Casting is not working as expected for interfaces in python

UE - Editor - Workflow Systems - Dec 22, 2023

Blueprints from UE4 with dangling delegate reroute node crashes on UE5 load

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Compiler - Dec 22, 2023

If a project from UE 4.27 or earlier has a blueprint with a reroute node dangling (no outgoing connection) from a Custom Event Node's delegate pin (red), this blueprint will crash when loaded in UE ...

GetMonitorSizeFromEDID may fail to acquire the native resolution for ultrawide monitors

UE - Foundation - Dec 20, 2023

For some ultrawide monitors, UE may not correctly fetch the native resolution. GetMonitorSizeFromEDID attempts to retrieve native resolution from the Detailed Timing Descriptor of the EDID, but thes ...

FLiveCodingModule::StartLiveCoding() unsafe access of FModuleManager::Get().OnModulesChanged()

UE - Foundation - Cpp Tools - Live Coding - Dec 19, 2023

A user has reported a failing ensure in FMRSWRecursiveAccessDetector::AcquireWriteAccess(), a race condition that has a small chance of happening when launching the editor. FLiveCodingModule::Start ...

SwapRootBone_Actor ignores a relative rotation

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Dec 19, 2023

When we use SwapRootBone_Actor, we expect to move in the X-axis direction, which is the forward direction of the Actor. However, it does not take into account the RelativeRotation of the Skeltalmesh ...

Cannot set background color for UI Domain material preview

UE - Editor - UI Systems - UMG - Dec 18, 2023

Enhanced Input Action Triggers may be silently ignored when using multiple bindings in a context

UE - Gameplay - Input - Dec 15, 2023

The root cause appears to be an order of operations change made for [Link Removed] (CL 18309493 in UE5/Main). On EnhancedPlayerInput.cpp:238, the TriggerStateTracker is combined with state evaluated ...

GAS: FGameplayAbilitySpecHandle lacks invokable serialize function

UE - Gameplay - Gameplay Ability System - Dec 15, 2023

FGameplayAbilitySpecHandle is a struct that can be replicated by-design to identify a granted GameplayAbility in server-client communication. This works fine with default struct replication using FR ...

Nanite custom depth rendering is missing support for r.CustomDepthTemporalAAJitter=0

UE - Graphics Features - Nanite - Dec 14, 2023

Nanite custom depth rendering doesn't "de-jitter" the view parameters for custom depth rendering when r.CustomDepthTemporalAAJitter is set to 0. This was discovered by a licensee and reported via U ...