A simple search for `NewStyleOutput = true` will reveal the many instances where this flag is already forced on, including media plates and media bundles. This however means that we have incompatib ...
If using the Legacy renderer (Movie Scene Capture) with DefaultRHI DirectX12, there's new delay and also some frames get weird artifacts. However, the delay and artifacts do not appear when using ...
Creating objects at cook time that are exported into the cooked package is a possible cause of indeterminism, and therefore we have banned it in engine classes and will fire a warning about it. Cur ...
When creating a GameplayEffect, modifiers can tag requirements for the Source and Target tags. For Duration gameplay effects, these tag requirements are checked from FAggregatorMod::UpdateQualifies ...
This is a regression. Testing //UE5/Release-5.1 CL23901901 When selecting BP_FirstPerconCharacter at run time in a project that has C++, Quality as Scalable, and Ray Tracing enabled the editor free ...
Spawning Editor Utility Widgets via Spawn and Register Tab and Get ID inside another widget creates unbounded length IDs that get progressively longer with each subsequent spawn, as the ID is append ...
Pressing the 'h' key only hides the root actor and none of the children, unlike the scene outliner where clicking the eye icon hides the root actor and all children. This appears to be because edac ...
A customized struct with a TObjectPtr to an EditAnywhere, Instanced UObject will not show in full blueprint editor. I narrowed this down to the SKismetInspector::IsPropertyVisible method. The prope ...
The extension methods seem to be getting compiled into multiple rules dlls Example .Build.cs // In TestPlugin.Build.cs using System; using UnrealBuildTool; publicclass TestPlugin : Module ...
I am trying to use "stat llmassets" but it is not recognising the command. I have enabled LLM_ALLOW_ASSETS_TAGS and added -llmtagsets=assets to the commandline along with -llm, is there anything els ...