When set the current language and asset group to different languages, the asset group will not work

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Localization - Nov 22, 2020

When set the current asset group language in a particular process, the asset refers to the "source asset" and output warning log. LogPackageLocalizationCache: Warning: Skipping the cache update for ...

Adding a track for a string property through sequence scripting causes the property track to be named "Strings"

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Nov 20, 2020

Property tracks rely in the default display name for naming in the UI. String tracks have their own override for the default display name getter (UMovieSceneStringTrack::GetDefaultDisplayName) which ...

Ensure when closing PIE during Level Sequence playback with spawnables in a streamed level

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Nov 16, 2020

When a spawnable is spawned in a streamed level, exiting PIE will cause an ensure, because the world is not valid on the actor.  ...

Commonly used blueprint conversion functions should be promoted to top level category

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Nov 16, 2020

Many useful blueprint utility nodes are buried in the Utility category and are not very discoverable by users. This leads to them choosing other nodes that are much less convenient and efficient. Th ...

DisplayName Metadata tag is not used in the SCS editor or the My Blueprints window

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Editor - Nov 12, 2020

This also brings up a good point about how `FName::NameToDisplayString` works. Currently it will only remove a 'b' character if a boolean is given, which leads to inconsistent results throughout the ...

Compiling with VS2019 16.6 later causes garbled characters in output window

UE - Foundation - Cpp Tools - UnrealBuildTool - Nov 10, 2020

Using old behavior by applying true to NMakeUseOemCodePage property solves this issue.  in VCProject.cs​// Project globals (project GUID, project type, SCC bindings, etc) { VCProjectFi ...

"Depth pre-pass and base pass mismatch on D3D platforms with materials using World Position Offset

UE - Graphics Features - Nov 6, 2020

Looking at render doc captures in Base Pass we see pixelated black spots [Image Removed] which correspond directly to failed depth test: [Image Removed] See attached project for repro cases. ...

Disabling Shadow Denoiser causes raytraced shadows from Rect Lights to disappear

UE - Graphics Features - Lumen - Nov 6, 2020

Disabling Shadow Denoiser causes raytraced shadows from Rect Lights to disappear ...

Crash after creating a suboject for RootComponent if the actor is placed on the level

UE - Foundation - Cpp Tools - Hot Reload - Nov 6, 2020

The crash occurs when trying to assign a new value to RootComponent if the Pawn is already placed on the level Crash does not happen in  P4 //UE4/Release-4.25.3 CL 13942748 Other steps to reproduc ...