If a Blueprint is made from a custom Blueprintable StaticMeshComponent, and that Blueprint is added as a component to another Blueprint, an Ensure is triggered. No Ensure occurs if the custom nativ ...
The engine will crash if you upload a project icon that's way too large for the 192x192 area. It'll also crash when you open that project back up and try to access the project settings ...
After updating to 4.25.1 from 4.25 Packaged Android game crashes constantly with objects added to the map 4.25 Packaged game did not crash (editor did a lot but glad thats fixed in 4.25.1) Empty map ...
[Link Removed] ・Open attached project ・Open NewMap ・Confirm that an error appears on the console ・When creating a Windows (64-Bit) package in this state, the same error occurs ...