CommonUI Analog Cursor + Enhanced Input triggers cause Gamepad Face Button Bottom triggers to get stuck when alt-tabbing

UE - Gameplay - Input - Jun 18, 2024

Reproduction rate: 5/5 Regression check: No, this also occurs in 5.4.2. Please note that this issue only reproduces with the Gamepad Face Button Bottom and does not occur for any other gamepad butt ...

CharacterMovementComponent - Jump incorrectly simulated when moving against a wall, resulting in an apex height lower than expected and framerate-dependent

UE - Gameplay - Jun 17, 2024

The CharacterMovementComponent simulates the position of a jumping/falling character inside function UCharacterMovementComponent::PhysFalling() [CharacterMovementComponent.cpp:4381]. On the main cod ...

Distant mesh / vista have visible Lumen bounces

UE - Rendering Architecture - Jun 15, 2024

Objects far outside of the Lumen Scene don't temporally accumulate screen traces, leading to heavy flickering. It appears that the temporal reprojection is failing when comparing the depth in "Scree ...

Widget Blueprint breakpoints hit during a Tick event do not engage the debugger.

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Jun 13, 2024

The user comment on the Salesforce issue " This is a regression from the behaviour in 5.3.X, and I've reproduced it in 5.4.0, 5.4.1, and 5.4.2. The specific issue/change that caused this regression ...

[AI] AgentToNavDataMap still contains entries when cleaning up navigation system

UE - AI - Navigation - Jun 10, 2024

The navigation system has errors in the log for agents still being mapped to navigation data in CleanUp. This appears to stem from agent step height being recalculated in ARecastNavMesh::SetConfig i ...

Can't set "r.Shaders.Optimize" to false in UE5.4

UE - Rendering Architecture - Shaders - Jun 7, 2024

The CVar "r.Shaders.Optimize" cannot be set to false from DefaultEngine.ini in the section "[ShaderCompiler]" as its help text describes. Also tested on UE5-Main, CL: 34200103 ...

Problem with material layers using interpolator nodes

UE - Rendering Architecture - Materials - Jun 7, 2024

The Vertex Interpolator Material Expression appears to collapse separate instances from separate Material Layers, leading to visual artifacts when used. Also tested on UE5_Main, CL: 34200103 ...

Displacement + TAA causes "vibrating"/"buzzing" artifacts

UE - Rendering Architecture - Jun 4, 2024

There is a buzzing artifact on shadows that is seen in the provided test project. The problem seems to be far more subtle when VSM is turned off. Licensee mentions that turning r.Velocity.ForceOutpu ...

[AI] Navmesh shows in editor but does not get loaded in PIE

UE - AI - Navigation - May 13, 2024

When using static or dynamic modifiers only navmesh, there are times that the navmesh will build and display correctly in editor, but it does not get properly loaded at runtime (PIE/SIE). The Recast ...

Expanding pins and moving nodes in graph marks Compile as dirty

UE - Anim - Rigging - Control Rig - May 8, 2024

Expanding pins and moving nodes in the graph marks the Control Rig blueprint as dirty, requiring a recompile of the entire blueprint.  Blueprints do not do this.  ...