Sampling Cloud Shadows when rendering the Sky Atmosphere can incorrectly assume that the view is located at the planet's North Pole. This causes distortion in the shadows when using a sphere-shaped ...
Ambient Light on Volumetric Clouds from Sky Atmosphere always is calculated as if the clouds are at the north pole of the planet. Using a sphere-shaped Sky Atmosphere and Volumetric Clouds causes t ...
A crash can occur when a member of a UStruct has a category with the "|" symbol and is trying to be displayed inside by the FDetailLayoutBuilderImpl class. This happens when there is a UStruct memb ...
The following code can often be found in UNiagaraDataInterfaceChaosDestruction.const int32 ParticleID = ParticleIDParam.GetAndAdvance() - LastSpawnedPointID + 1; The LastSpawnedPointID is usual ...
The ResavePackages commandlet can be used to batch resave assets. The ResaveClass and IncludeChildClasses options let one resave all assets of a specific parent class. The problem is that blueprint ...
Context CharacterMovementComponent can be set in the NavWalking mode so that on the server the characters move using the navigation mesh as floor. This helps performance when the nav mesh is more c ...
There are options on both landscapes and HLOD layers that when enabled, performs the culling of invisible HLOD vertices (parts of HLOD meshes ending up below the terrain). The option works fine w ...
A character standing in a base will match its velocity to the base's velocity. If that character jumps into another base its velocity will be added to the new base's velocity and the character will ...
In some situations, it can be useful to have a replicated editor-only C++ property (For example, the user that reported this issue was attempting to replicate settings to the client for game designe ...
The call to UpdateInstanceTransform within UInstancedStaticMeshComponent::UpdateInstanceTransformById(..) sends bTeleport in place of bMarkRenderStateDirty that was added as part of Unreal Engine 5. ...