Fix function forwarding in demo drivers in instant replays

UE - Networking - Jul 13, 2020

Demo drivers that are actively playing back a replay while still connected to another server as a client (via game net driver) will generate warnings due to the function forwarding code (UNetDriver: ...

Package Map may clear out references to GUIDs on clients but not servers

UE - Networking - Jul 13, 2020

Upon Seamless Travel, the Package Map will attempt to clear out "old" entries in the Guid Cache by marking them with a timeout. The only entries that will actually be marked for a timeout are entrie ...

Allow ClothBlendWeight in sequencer

UE - Simulation - Physics - Character - Jul 13, 2020

Cloth sim can't currently be blended on/off in sequencer. ...

inherited gameplay tags no longer work

UE - Gameplay - Jul 3, 2020

Added and Removed tags are cleared in inherited gameplay tag containers. This came from the following UDN: ...

Per-object shadow corrupts on Android Vulkan

UE - Platform - Mobile - Jul 2, 2020

Array property of a User Defined Struct is corrupted when additional properties are added to the struct

UE - Foundation - Core - Jul 1, 2020

Modifying a UserDefinedStruct can lead to data corruption in Blueprint array properties. ...

Sequencer particle toggle tracks evaluate one extra frame

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Jul 1, 2020

It looks like particle toggle tracks use TimeRangeToNumberRange which gives the incorrect range as a result of CL 10893518 which fixed [Link Removed]. ...

mobile scenedepth issues on 4.25 with ES 3.1 Preview

UE - Platform - Mobile - Jul 1, 2020

We have a problem with the SceneDepth related features on the mobile after migrated to 4.25.1 from 4.23SceneDepth node output issue in translucent materialsDepthFade node output issue in translucent ...

MoviePipeline skipped frames using Temporal Subsampling + Time Dilation

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Jun 30, 2020

The frame appears to be getting skipped entirely, but the timing for the frames on either side of them is correct, ie: if frame 10 is skipped, frame 9 and 11 still match the working case, so the ove ...