Error: FAsyncPackage::LoadImports for <some asset>: Skipping import PaperTileMap /Script/Paper2D.Default__PaperTileMapActor:RenderComponent.PaperTileMap_0, depends on missing native class

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Compiler - Jun 30, 2020

User reporting seeing this error start appearing in 4.25.1 (possibly 4.25.x, unsure if they were previously testing on 4.25.0 or not). It appears 'benign' as the expected data still gets loaded, bu ...

Long Movie Pipeline Renders cause Audio Crashes

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Jun 29, 2020

This issue can temporarily be worked around by launching the editor with the "-nosound" argument which will disable audio recording. ...

Crash compiling a blueprint after changing a TMap value from Vector to Vector4

UE - Foundation - Core - UObject - Jun 29, 2020

REGRESSION: Issue does not occur in 4.24 Crash occurs when the user changes a blueprint TMap value from Vector to Vector4 and then compiles the blueprint. This seems to only occur with TMaps, as ...

Asset Registry GetDerivedClassNames does not work properly during editor startup

UE - Foundation - Core - Jun 25, 2020

This bug comes from which describes a problem where a licensee is trying to use the AssetManager to scan a primary asset type that is generate ...

Native Component bound events do not throw an error when they are removed from a component

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Compiler - Jun 25, 2020

This is related to the previous issue where if you deleted a component than there would be no errors ([Link Removed]), but instead of the component itself being deleted, the delegate has.  The er ...

When changing the size of detail panel for animation state in Animation Blueprint diff tool, GetSelectedProfileName will occur crash

OLD - Anim - Jun 24, 2020

When trying to display BlendProfile property in Animation Blueprint diff tool, it will occur crash, because EditableSkeleton is null in SBlendProfilePicker::GetSelectedProfileName(). So, a followin ...

Get Class Defaults node will not keep pins visible after compile if connected to a reroute node

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Editor - Jun 23, 2020

If the Get Class Defaults node is connected to a reroute node, compiling the blueprint will hide all the pins on the node. ...

Several issues with 4.25.1 and Win 7

UE - Graphics Features - Jun 22, 2020

Users are reporting issues with the 4.25.1 hotfix and Win 7, including running cooked builds and the editor crashing: ...

Export anim sequence doesn't work for spawnables

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Jun 22, 2020

Cone Location module does not evaluate Cone Axis when using Wedge shaping

UE - Niagara - Jun 22, 2020

Cone Location module does not evaluate Cone Axis when using Wedge shaping ...