CL 17315409 Introduced a fix that relied on processing audio samples before a render. For remote renders this extra 30 seconds of audio processing seems to have made its way into the final results. ...
Cannot manipulate morph targets that are unique to the Slave Component through the Master Component. So the situation here is that the Head(Master) does not have the "BeerBelly" morph target, but t ...
Copying a Static Mesh actor from the level and pasting it into a Blueprint as a component does not retain any of the values of the copied actor. Reproduced in 4.7.6 binary, 4.9 Release (//depot/UE4 ...
Starting position of physics simulated bp is different in Standalone Game User Description: Things work fine in the editor window, but when I run a standalone game then blueprints with physics bod ...
Extracted Sprites are offset when importing a non-power of two sprite sheet, padding it to a power a two mode, and then using the extract function. You can see this offset clipping of the extracted ...
When running a packaged build of a project with a level with a landscape that has a material assigned it will crash (shipping build) or not retain the assigned material (development build). There i ...
Lighting does not properly affect landscapes that are below another landscape, even after static lighting resolution is increased. This results in some areas that should be completely shadowed to ha ...
Adding a Local Variable to a blueprint Construction Script will cause a crash ...
When setting a preview mesh and a socket to a relative scale, the socket's scale is saved but the preview meshes scale changes. This occurs when the asset is saved < mesh editor closed out < mesh ed ...