TMap does not rehash when the property change if the key is struct

UE - Editor - Workflow Systems - Feb 17, 2023

If TMap's Key is a unique Struct, TMap's rehash will not run even if elements are added or changed in DetailPanel such as DataAsset. So TMaps's Find etc. will fail This issue is very similar to [Li ...

Loading Duplicated Level via Python API Crashes Editor

UE - Editor - Workflow Systems - Feb 16, 2023

When called from Python, in 5.1 the load level invocation results in a kernel panic style crash of the editor, with a message about the map leaking memory and not being able to be garbage collected ...

Editor Crash after Compiling Primary DataAsset

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Compiler - Feb 16, 2023

After compiling a data asset blueprint, attempting to open the parent data asset will crash the editor. From licensee: This is because in FAssetEditorToolkit::InitAssetEditor() the objects in Objec ...

Crash during cloth initializations while the debug materials are being loaded.

UE - Simulation - Physics - Character - Feb 15, 2023

The FGCObject::AddReferencedObjects() can be called during the LoadObject for the cloth debug materials, while the material object pointers are not yet initiliazed, causing the editor to crash. ...

When editing a Niagara module an error can occur if using non-module functions, even with a correctly set usage bitmask

UE - Niagara - Feb 14, 2023

When editing the module the call to FHlslNiagaraTranslator::HandleDataInterfaceCall has the usage "Module", so it treads the module as if that was its stack context, even though the module's usage b ...

Stateless Connect Handler's SessionId and ClientId checks not working with SteamSockets

UE - Online - Feb 14, 2023

We've had a couple of reports of the recently added session/client id checks in the StatelessConnectHandlerComponent failing when using SteamSockets. The connections fail with the "Rejecting handsha ...

GameThread + AsyncLoadingThread deadlock - StaticLoadObject vs. StaticAllocateObject

UE - Foundation - Core - UObject - Feb 14, 2023

User reported encountering a deadlock between GameThread and AsyncLoadingThread and provided two callstacks.User quote I've been running into a deadlock intermittently with a custom blueprint conso ...

AnimDrawDebug does not work if using RootMotion from Everything

UE - Anim - Gameplay - Feb 14, 2023

Debug drawing with AnimDarwDebug~ does not work when RootMotionMode is set to "RootMotion from Everything". In addition, the same issue occurs when MultiThread of Animation is turned off. Licensee ...

FMassArchetypeData::ExecutionFunctionForChunk crashes on binding shared fragments

UE - AI - Mass - Feb 14, 2023

FMassArchetypeData::ExecutionFunctionForChunk is using wrong mappings while binding shared fragments. It's using RequirementMapping.ChunkFragments while it should use RequirementMapping.ConstSharedF ...

crash from a race condition between interchange worker dispatcher and worker handler

UE - Editor - Content Pipeline - Import and Export - Feb 13, 2023