Compiler warning after renaming variable in animation template

UE - Anim - Runtime - Anim Blueprints - Aug 15, 2023

See UDN: [Link Removed] ...

When open the persona editor only the first time, the OnAnimChanged event is called with the argument none asset

UE - Anim - Runtime - Aug 14, 2023

OnAnimChanged did not seem to work correctly only the first time when opening the anim sequence and a PreviewScene was created. The OnAnimChanged event is supposed to notify which anim was changed, ...

Upgrade View and Work range scripting functions precision from float to double

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Aug 11, 2023

The view and work range scripting functions use float values for their seconds, which leads to precision issues, as these values are stored as doubles.  ...

AdditionalPluginDirectories: Cooking a plugin as DLC stores files in the wrong location and fails to correctly stage

UE - Foundation - Core - Cooker - Aug 11, 2023

A project can add paths in AdditionalProjectDirectories to specify directories other than <UERoot>\Engine\Plugins or <ProjectRoot>\Plugins that contain plugins. But when adding a plugin in one of t ...

[AI] Assertion in UAISense_Sight::RemoveAllQueriesToTarget

UE - AI - Perception - Aug 10, 2023

Licensee reports that while aggressively despawning AI there are occasional assertions for attempting to acquire write access to QueriesListAccessDetector when RemoveAllQueriesToTarget is executed f ...

PlayerStart in LevelInstance are not loaded early enough in PIE as Standalone/Listen

UE - World Creation - Worldbuilding Tools - Level Instances - Aug 8, 2023

Non-spatially loaded actors in a Level Instance are not embedded properly when entering PIE. This issue does not happen in a cooked build. ...

GAS: AbilitySystem.DebugAttribute crashes client when server added runtime constructed GEs

UE - Gameplay - Gameplay Ability System - Aug 8, 2023

In a networked PIE session, when the server has applied a programmatically constructed GameplayEffect that has duration policy = Infinite or HasDuration, this results in a client crash when the clie ...

Renaming a shot through the shot track does not rename the underlying sequence asset

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Aug 7, 2023

Renaming a shot through the shot track does not change the name of the underlying asset, and causes it to no longer match when looking for takes ...

FAnimUpdateRateParameters::GetInterpolationAlpha appears to be returning an invalid value for TrailMode

UE - Anim - Aug 5, 2023

It appears that  FAnimUpdateRateParameters::GetInterpolationAlpha is not returning a sensible value when running in TrailMode.  Currently the only variable in the calculation is EvaluationRate which ...