Swarm Coordinator in 4.8.1/2 is not distributing light builds across accessible agents. If you have and open a Coordinator included in the 4.7.6 build of the Engine, Coordinator is distributing cor ...
When content editors are open, they cause sequencer to be updated more than once per frame. This causes animations running in PIE to play faster than expected. Licensee provides code for a potential ...
In the Effects level of Content Examples, the Ribbon trails appears to snap back to the origin of the particle effect after the life of the particle. This is an issue in 4.13.1 as well. This is a ...
When a user attempts to compile a project that is stored on a non-HFS partition on OSX, UBT fails to build due to files that are being generated that start with ".". The user's proposed fix is to ha ...
With multiple Preview assets on one bone, only one appears in Skeleton Tree. Regression: YES Working: 4.13.2 CL:3172292 Broken: 4.14.1 CL:3224400 ...
See this UDN: https://udn.unrealengine.com/questions/297811/fixupredirects-commandlet-submitting-marked-for-de.html The fix looks straightforward, just a one-line change but could benefit from tes ...
Assert crashes Editor in the GC system during packaging due to USoundWave assets not being configured for GC clustering. Disabling GC clustering in project settings is a workaround, but the fix is ...
Engine Scalability Settings for Foliage Quality are not applied to foliage meshes automatically. Found in 4.17.2 CL 3658906, 4.18.1 CL 3754814, and 4.19 Main ...
Seems that only the Add Asset Class search option works properly. Tested in 4.19.2 (CL - 4033788), 4.20.1 (CL - 4233996), and 4.21 (CL - 4280116) ...
You are unable to change the filepath for Datasmith Scenes. The '...' box is there for you to select but it does nothing when clicked. This issue happens in both 4.19.2 (0.182) and 4.20.1 (4.20E2) ...