Scrollbox widget moves much slower when using a gamepad

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Aug 1, 2018

Using the gamepad to scroll a scrollbox causes the scrolling to move slower. Tested in 4.18.3(CL - 3832480), 4.19.2 (CL - 4033788), 4.20.1 (CL -  4233996), 4.21 (CL  - 4245542) ...

Crash upon selecting CameraComponent in Sequencer when level is locked

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Aug 14, 2018

Selecting a Camera Component in the Sequencer window when the level is locked causes the Engine to crash.  This was reported and tested in 4.20.1 (CL-4233996). This was reproduced in 4.19.2 (CL-403 ...

Deleting reference variable will result in unusable picker appearing on resolve nodes

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Editor - Feb 11, 2019

REGRESSION: No When deleting a reference variable, any resolve node pins using it will have a picker added, which won't have anything listed in their dropdown. This isn't consistent with what happ ...

Using -90 for New Relative Rotation on the Y axis causes sporadic behavior

UE - Gameplay - Feb 20, 2019

Setting up New Relative Rotation with some Static Mesh Actors in the Level Blueprint will have strange results if -90 is used in the Y Relative Rotation. Changing off of -90 will result in normal be ...

Actor loses attach component when parent actor goes in and out of relevancy

UE - Networking - Jun 17, 2019

As described in the linked UDN, non-replicated components aren't being hooked up properly after an actor goes out & back into relevancy. The proposed fix sounds correct, calling MoveMapedObjectToUnm ...

USkinnedMeshComponent::PredictedLODLevel can be set below MinLOD

UE - Anim - Rigging - Aug 12, 2019

 Within USkinnedMeshComponent::UpdateLODStatus_Internal, if the USkinnedMeshComponent does not yet have a MeshObject, MaxLODIndex will be left as 0 and as a result PredictedLODLevel will be set to 0 ...

Flickering artifacts are rendered when using Sky Atmosphere Component with Vulkan

UE - Rendering Architecture - RHI - Jul 16, 2020

Rendering the SkyAtmopshere component using Vulkan with and without Vulkan (SM5) enabled causes artifacts to appear on screen on Windows and Linux.  This was reported and tested in 4.25.1 (CL-135 ...

The GetCombinedForces put out wrong value when the vehicle is reversing

UE - Simulation - Physics - Aug 19, 2022

Reproduced 3/3 times. A similar bug occurred with PhysX ([Link Removed]) Check the function:  FVector FSimpleAerodynamicsSim::GetCombinedForces(float VelocityIn) if the velocityIn is negative, th ...

Engine freezes when Level Sequence format is in seconds

UE - Anim - Sequencer - May 22, 2023

When using the jumpbox with a sequence that is in seconds (not fps) the engine will freeze. This issue is occurring in Binary //UE5/Release-5.2 @ CL 25360045 This issue is occurring in Binary //UE ...

Within Water Body Custom setting the Water Mesh Override to a Nanite mesh causes a crash

UE - LD & Modeling - Terrain - Water - Jun 28, 2023

This is not a regression. Tested //UE5/Release-5.1 CL23901901 Within Water Body Custom setting the Water Mesh Override to a Nanite mesh causes a crash. This seems to be the case with any Nanite ena ...