Non-edit layers landscape don't work adequately with Nanite landscape while painting

UE - LD & Modeling - Terrain - Landscape - Oct 24, 2023

Result : while displaying the Nanite version of the landscape, the paint layers behave erratically (see video : [Link Removed])  If rebuilding the Nanite data, the bug gets fixed until the user sta ...

Regression: FGameplayTag and FGameplayTagContainer pin value modification is not undo/redoable

For nodes with an FGameplayTag or FGameplayTagContainer pin, when changing the tag value (Pin->DefaultValue) and triggering Undo/Redo, the pin modification is not undone. Rather, it undoes the previ ...

ExportMaterialUVDensities() gets the incorrect value where the alpha channel is referenced

UE - Rendering Architecture - Materials - Apr 16, 2024

ExportMaterialUVDensities() gets the incorrect value where the alpha channel is referenced (e.g. RegisterIndex of the texture is [3] or [7]) because FMeshRenderer::RenderMaterialTexCoordScales() use ...

MetalRHI Asserts When Using "Profile GPU" With RHI-Thread/Parallel-Execution

UE - Graphics Features - Sep 14, 2016

When the RHI thread is enabled (with or without parallel-execution) for Metal it isn't currently possible to run "profilegpu" because the GPU timestamp emulation code isn't multi-thread safe and pro ...

AddTimedDisplay causes crash when changing level

UE - Gameplay - Dec 8, 2022

RemoveAfterSecondsLambda in AddTimedDisplay function may access released memory during level transitions. The following workaround works : void UViewportStatsSubsystem::AddTimedDisplay(FText Text, ...

Buffer Visualization for DecalMask is missing

UE - Graphics Features - Feb 29, 2016

The Buffer Visualization for DecalMask is no longer an option. Also, when looking at the Buffer Visualization Overview the DecalMask slot has been removed. See attached image for comparison Worke ...

Crash when TSR history separate translucency enabled

UE - Graphics Features - Mar 1, 2023

Can't PIE or Save: Editor gets into odd state when editing parameters.

Tools - Jul 20, 2016

I've seen this happen in other areas of the editor as well: Data Table fields (floats) for example. Manually typing in numbers to fields seems less prone to this error; using spinners to drag value ...

SEGV_NOOP at 0x0

UE - Platform - Apple - Jul 7, 2015

Crash Report: [Link Removed] *Crash Report attached User reports, "Launch[ing] Unreal Engine 4.8.1 from Epic Games Launcher, UE4 splash screen will come up and after 80% of initialization; UE4edit ...