Volumetric lightmap holes appear every fifth build. Found in 4.19 CL# 4033788, 4.20 CL# 4302132, and 4.21 CL# 4348893 ...
Selecting all descendants of a folder hierarchy in the world outliner doesnt accurately show what all is selected. This does not always occur and is a visual bug. The items in the level are still se ...
Actors that reside in TMap blueprint variables refer to the Editor actors not the copied UEDPIE actors (that we'd expect) when accessed in PIE. This is not the case in standalone; this only occurs f ...
When we do the refactor for MeshDescription we miss the staticmesh reduction project settings option and change only the quadric reduction. There are two possible fixes for this issue: 1. Implemen ...
Visual Studio 2017 15.8 includes a fix to properly handle std::make_shared used with over-aligned types. However, this is a breaking fix and requires the definition of one of two macros to either ac ...
Paper2D sprites render only in left eye with Instanced Stereo enabled. Also confirmed in Main CL 4329255 ...
A licensee has reported a crash that is caused by a Buffer Overread in TBitArray's operator < function. While the licensee did not provide reproduction steps, the crash is apparent from looking at t ...
There is a Memory leak in PageAllocator when packaged. The leak can be stopped if "Landscape.Static" is used in console. Unable to test 4.19 since the provided project was 4.20, but Issue is reporte ...
The Shift + Leftclick selection range appears to break when selecting something in the World Outliner first followed by clicking something in the Viewport and then shift selecting a range back in th ...