Outline artefact on cascade shadow transition

UE - Graphics Features - Mar 28, 2024

Some pixels at the edge between cascaded shadow maps and distance field shadows can be skipped by both, leading to unshadowed pixels. Licensee reports the bug happening in 5.3 as well. Test project ...

Nanite displacement on landscapes not rendering on 5700XT

UE - Graphics Features - Nanite - Mar 27, 2024

This only happens on a 5700XT, tested this on the 7900XT and the issue did not occur  Initially reported on the Preview 1 forums: https://forums.unrealengine.com/t/unreal-engine-5-4-preview/1763516 ...

Camera Shake can apply a new post process material every tick when post process material has "Is Blendable" disabled

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Mar 26, 2024

In the repro project the player camera has a post process material that slightly darkens the frame by subtracting 0.01 from the final color. When a camera animation based on a camera sequence is pla ...

Subobject Data Subsystem has CanPasteSubobjects decorated with UFUNCTION but PasteSubobjects is not.

UE - Gameplay - Mar 25, 2024

In the Subobject Data Subsystem, CanPasteSubobjects is BlueprintCallable, but the call to PasteSubobjects is not. Given CanCopySubobjects and CopySubobjects are both BlueprintCallable, the ability t ...

ExposeOnSpawn Class properties do not respect "none" as the value on "Construct object from class" node

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Mar 21, 2024

I think that the root of the issue actually comes from the K2 node behavior itself. If you copy your node and paste it to a clipboard, you can see the pins and the string representation of all the v ...

YCoCg to sRGB?

UE - Niagara - Rendering - Mar 20, 2024

Both the material and the Niagara compute shader use the same function to interpret the YCoCg color data, but the Niagara compute shader returns an incorrect color. Also found on CL: 32347737 in Re ...

Enhanced input actions with Down triggers mapped to gamepad buttons can get into a bad state after viewport focus is lost

UE - Gameplay - Input - Mar 20, 2024

When we have an enhanced input input action that uses a Down trigger and is mapped to a gamepad button, for example Gamepad Face Button Left, it can get into a bad state when the game is unfocused. ...

UBlueprintEditorLibrary::ReparentBlueprint() results in compiler errors when attempting to reparent from a native parent class to a blueprint parent class

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Mar 20, 2024

When using the Reparent Blueprint node in an Editor Utility Blueprint, e.g. an Asset Action Utility, compilation errors will occur if you try to reparent a blueprint with a native parent class to a ...

Groom Assets do not cast shadows when the shadow casting light is close to the groom and virtual shadow maps are in use

UE - Graphics Features - Mar 19, 2024

When a shadow casting light is closer to the groom than some proportional amount the groom is away from the shadow catcher, the groom's shadow will disappear. This only occurs using VSMs. Raytraced ...

In-Memory replay checkpoints incorrectly deleted when stream length is less than TimeBufferHintSeconds

UE - Networking - Mar 18, 2024

The buffer start time is calculated by subtracting the TimeBufferHintSeconds from the stream length: const uint32 BufferStartTimeMS = UE::LWC::FloatToIntCastChecked<uint32>(FoundReplay->StreamInfo.L ...