Complex collision mesh might lose its collision in the editor

UE - LD & Modeling - Modeling Tools - Mesh Editing - Feb 18, 2020

This is affected by loading order. In the case, display mesh was loaded firstly and try to build collision mesh form complex collision mesh asset. But the collision mesh didn't finished to make Ren ...

Using Collision in Niagara without an Update Age module will prevent any particles from spawning

UE - Niagara - Feb 17, 2020

Using Collision without Update Age will prevent any particles from spawning. In Collision Query and Response DataInstance.Alive has a default value of false. If no other module sets DataInstance.Ali ...

PIE crash due to non-empty ULevel::DestroyedReplicatedStaticActors array

UE - Networking - Feb 17, 2020

It's possible to end up in a state where some entries were saved in ULevel::DestroyedReplicatedStaticActors, which causes a crash when PIE starts up. I'm not sure how entries could end up in this l ...

Adding multiple streaming levels to the world in a single frame can potentially exceed time slicing budget

UE - Gameplay - Feb 17, 2020

If a level uses most of the time slicing budget but not all, the next level in the list will begin to load and could potentially use the full time slicing budget. In the worst case scenario, you cou ...

Load Stream Level action doesn't trigger out execution pin if the level is invalid

UE - Gameplay - Feb 14, 2020

As a user I would expect the out execution pin of the LoadStreamLevel node to fire even if the level failed to load.  ...

Get Niagara Emitter Vec3 Attrib Results in Hard Crash

UE - Niagara - Feb 14, 2020

Also tried it out by replicating the setup in an Actor blueprint with the same result. ...

Ambient Occlusion decals ignore Receive Decals setting on meshes

UE - Graphics Features - Feb 13, 2020

Adding an ambient occlusion decal material to a decal affects objects with "Receives Decal" disabled. Tested in: 4.23.1 CL#9631420 4.25 CL#11341939 ...

Landscape Grass scale not applied when min and max are same value

UE - World Creation - Worldbuilding Tools - Foliage - Feb 13, 2020

If min and max scale are the same in a LandscapeGrassType asset, scale will not be applied. Confirmed in 4.25 MAIN @ CL 11318998 ...

ProRes and Avid DNx do not use tokens in their file names when rendering from Sequencer

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Feb 12, 2020

The plugin media formats do not account for tokens in the filename. ...

Native struct types that declare one or more non-UPROPERTY fields are not initialized with the default value from a modified Blueprint CDO.

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Feb 12, 2020

Dynamically-spawned instances of a Blueprint class go through an optimized property initialization pass (see UBlueprintGeneratedClass::BuildCustomPropertyListForPostConstruction() and InitProperties ...