Tooltips within Page 1 of the Texture Atlas Visualizer in Widget Reflector are displaying the incorrect asset. This issue is occurring in Binary //UE5/Release-5.3 at CL 26560699 This issue is occur ...
Rect lights cause artifacts (nan pixels) on pixels of surfaces that are coplanar with light position. In RectLight.ush, in RectIrradianceLambert, at line 106, c30 is -1, so rsqrt(0) causes a nan to ...
The blend stack node doesn't generate any values for its DeltaTimeRecord. This can be tested with the fix for [Link Removed] shelved at 32747789. Since there isn't a tick record directly associate ...
Can move individual mesh instances of a regular instanced mesh component in the blueprint editor, but not hierarchical ones. Originally reported as a pull request in [Link Removed], but we rejected ...
Crash attempting to use a HapticFeedbackEffect_SoundWave with no sound set on it (i.e. a newly created one.) Found on: 4.13.1 Binary CL-3120228 //UE4/Release-4.13 CL-3123398 Similar to [Link Remo ...
Crash Report [Link Removed] Bugg 38910 After updating project from 4.6.1 to 4.7, user experiences unexplained crash when playing in editor. *In addtion to the crash report, the user provides a lot ...
Line trace component appears to return a hit result even when the trace should not have had anything to hit. Attached project shows line trace start & end points. Even when the trace doesn't overla ...
There is a crash that is occurring when a blueprint with the parent of "Level Bounds". The crash occurs when the project is closed and reopened. Opening the blueprint immediately after it was create ...
The Material should be contracting and expanding if it is working correctly, but after version 4.16 it is not. Instead it is solid in appearance in the material editor viewport. Below I have linked ...