When shift-dragging in the Blueprint graph and ending the drag on a node with a connected wire, the Blueprint graph will freeze up. There is an attached video that showcases the issue as well. Th ...
This crash occurs when trying to retarget an animation onto another skeleton with a retargeting rig that references a virtual bone. This issue could be similar to [Link Removed] This issue was re ...
We auto-create a PixelStreamingInputComponent which handles the input coming from JavaScript's emitUIInteraction. This works in a UE4 app with a single level, but it seems that if you change levels ...
A user has reported that Materials that contain a custom HLSL node that has a Struct with a function declared inside of it results in the material failing to compile for GLSL, causing the Material t ...
When calling the ServerTravel command when using seamless travel, level blueprint logic is not being run on the client side. NOTE: Adding a small delay (tested with .2 to 2 seconds) after the "B ...
When a Sprite that has been created from a Texture Atlas is used in a Widget, it can not be tiled. Instead the whole Texture Atlas is tiled. Reported in version 4.25.3(CL 13942748). Tested and fou ...
Here's a sample blueprint [Image Removed] The lack of implementation FCustomThunkTemplates::SetMapPropertyByName causes this error.#include "Kismet/BlueprintMapLibrary.h"// The fix needs this head ...
UEngineSubsystem::Deinitialize() is not called when closing the editor In addition, (tested only with released 4.24.1) when recompiling a module using the "Modules" window in the editor the d ...
Discovered during investigation of [Link Removed]. This is happening because we are not filtering out private parent functions in SMyBlueprint::BuildOverridableFunctionsMenu. With any fix that is ...
When syncing from a non-repeating montage that is blending out to an anim graph, the anim montage is marked as a follower due to having its PrevMaker as an AnimBoundary(-1), furthermore in this case ...