There is an material compile error when using a TexCoord node shared between two Texture samples. The user provided a number of ways to work around the issue, but this issue becomes more problemati ...
The editor crashes when pasting a comment box from a blueprint into a behavior tree. Found in 4.12.1 binary. Reproduced in 4.11.2 binary and Main CL 3005971 Source Context94 95 fo ...
When editing the 'Libraries Category Text' field within a Material function a crash occurs. Regression? Yes, this crash does not occur in the 4.11 release. I have attached an image for reference. ...
Hovering the mouse cursor inside a Content Browser folder that contains blueprints causes the memory usage to steadily increase. This only seems to occur with blueprint assets in the folder. A use ...
Crash when trying to move in the VR editor when using the vive controllers ...
The scrollbar no longer remains anchored to the bottom of the Output Log while more lines are propagated during the packaging process/ Regression: this does not occur in previous versions of the En ...
Updating project to 4.12 corrupts Additive AimOffset thumbnail, causing log spamLogAnimation:Warning: Setting an additive animation (Owen_AimOffset) on an AnimSingleNodeInstance is not allowed. This ...
The collision of the cube static mesh is not blocking the character after Setting World Scale 3D while it is attached to another actor using the AttachToActor node. ...
When using the new Rebuild Lighting commandlet will cause a crash with any level that builds when it has a landscape in the scene. ...
Really close to the repro steps for [Link Removed] Same repro steps produced the following Buggs along with this one: [Link Removed] [Link Removed] Error message: Fatal error: [Link Removed] [Lin ...