CharacterMovementComponent: make crouching behavior compatible with custom gravity direction

UE - Gameplay - Components - Feb 20, 2024

CharacterMovementComponent has recently received support for custom gravity directions. Crouch logic needs to be updated to account for custom directions. Currently, crouching logic in CMC assumes Z ...

Derived struct data is not copied to Base struct

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Feb 19, 2024

The actor Blueprint is intentionally causing an object slice to occur. In other words, we're copying a derived type to a base type, so the expectation is that only the inherited base properties are ...

MustBeMappedGUID errors after several seamless travels

UE - Networking - Feb 19, 2024

This seems to be the same issue as was reported in [Link Removed], as enabling net.ResetAckStatePostSeamlessTravel resolves the issue. However, it was recently reported that disabling net.FilterGuid ...

[Datasmith] Geometry in specific wire file is not tessellated

UE - Editor - Content Pipeline - CAD - Feb 19, 2024

Keep Playback Range In Section bounds can cause Actor Sequence range to be inclusive

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Feb 16, 2024

FSequencer::UpdatePlaybackRange does not check the exclusivity of the new bounds when setting them, but UMovieScene::UpgradeTimeRanges does. ...

Replace Transform Track setting not used when importing FBX through scripting.

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Feb 16, 2024

Importing the fbx uses the default settings, which aren't accessed through scripting, so they cannot be changed. To circumvent this  MovieSceneToolHelpers::ImportFBXIfReady caches the defaults, and ...

UNetDriver server-side hitch results in ActorInfo->NextUpdateTime far into future

UE - Networking - Feb 16, 2024

A high UWorld::Tick DeltaSeconds (i.e. GameThread hitch) results in a high UNetDriver::TickFlush DeltaSeconds. This DeltaSeconds can high (many seconds) if the hitch is long. This value then affects ...

RemoteRole of local pawn on a listen server is ROLE_AutonomousProxy

UE - Networking - Feb 15, 2024

This issue was previously reported at [Link Removed], but it seems to have regressed due to the change at CL 23357753. GetNetMode is correctly returning NM_ListenServer, but APawn::PossessedBy now c ...

USplineComponent::GetSplinePointAt() returns FSplinePoint with incorrect Type

UE - Gameplay - Components - Feb 15, 2024

USplineComponent::GetSplinePointAt() returns an FSplinePoint with the ESplinePointType 'CurveCustomTangent' rather than the type from the setup.Expected: It should return the correct type. ...

Control Rig editor Preview viewport doesn't display static mesh attachments

UE - Anim - Rigging - Control Rig - Feb 12, 2024

Many of the animation asset editors don't display static mesh attachments in the way that the anim sequence or anim bp editor do.  This prevents users from previewing characters that are built from ...