Crash occurs when importing attached FBX with default import settings

UE - Editor - Content Pipeline - Import and Export - Dec 22, 2016

While verifying a bug for 4.15 UE-39952 , I tried to repro in 4.14.2 and the editor crashed while attempting to import the attached FBX In 4.15, the Editor does NOT crash a window pops up stating t ...

Static Mesh Editor: Give options for drawing complex/simple collision

UE - Simulation - Physics - Mar 13, 2017

The collision mesh and the display mesh are often similar enough to be difficult to differentiate, and there is currently no way to view the collision wireframe without the display wireframe as well ...

Linux: Assertion at splash screen when trying to open UE4Editor

UE - Platform - Linux - Mar 21, 2017

I ran into this while looking to verify [Link Removed] at CL 3355923. I logged the issue I was verifying the fix for last night and have not updated anything locally, so the "OpenGL 4.3 not supporte ...

Decal creates lighting artifacts on edge of meshes

UE - Graphics Features - Aug 22, 2017

When using deferred decals there are artifacts that are caused by the emissive color of the decal when viewing the decals from a low angle. These artifacts appear as thin lines on the edges of the m ...

Apex Cloth LOD distortion occurs after World Origin Rebase

UE - Simulation - Physics - Character - Sep 13, 2017

There is a distortion that occurs with Apex cloth when changing the World Origin location. This distortion occurs when you approach after the world origin has been changed. This issue is similar to ...

Reimporting an FBX file via the import button does not make the import options appear

Tools - Nov 28, 2017

Reimporting an FBX file via the import button does not make the import options appear. Instead of allowing the FBX to reimport with new options, the FBX just re-imports. This issue is a regression. ...

Crash upon opening packaged game when Event Driven Loader is disabled

UE - Foundation - Core - Apr 26, 2019

Packaged games are unable to open when Event Driven Loader is disabled. The error message given is: Assertion failed: !Linker->GetSerializeContext() [File:D:\Build\++UE4\Sync\Engine\Source\Runtime\C ...

"Weld Simulated Bodies" Collision flips when welding Skeletal mesh to Static Mesh

UE - Simulation - Physics - Sep 20, 2019

Collision flipped when welding a skeletal mesh to a static mesh. Welding Skeletal mesh as parent actor does not cause collision to flip. Showflag.Collision 1 shows correct collision. (However px ...

Vertex Interpolator causes depth-test to fail

UE - Graphics Features - Apr 23, 2020

Vertex interpolator (semi-randomly) causes visual artifacts on meshes. This did not happen initially when using or creating this material function but started about 24 hours later but now happens st ...

Deleting folders in the Content Browser will not delete them permanently from Project Folder

UE - Editor - Content Pipeline - Content Browser - Mar 13, 2015

If you delete a folder from the Content browser that is in the Starter content, The folder will reappear if you reopen the project. The only way to delete them would be from Windows Explorer. I als ...