Input Action Mapping Rebinding not working properly if pawn extends from Pawn.h

UE - Gameplay - Input - Oct 22, 2019

Rebinding an action mapping doesn't seem to take effect immediately if the Pawn class used has Pawn.h as its parent class. However this'll take effect immediately with DefaultPawn.h. In addition, th ...

StaticMeshActor loses root component scale if placed with Surface Snapping enabled in Editor Viewport

Tools - Oct 21, 2019

If you make a Blueprint child of StaticMeshActor, and set the default scale of the Root Component (Static Mesh Component) to something other than 1,1,1, the scale will not be applied when the actor ...

FaceARSample doesn't recognize faces on iOS

UE - Platform - XR - Oct 18, 2019

When running the FaceARSample app on an iOS device, the app gets stuck on "Searching for a face to track" despite having a face in front of it. I tried it with and without my glasses on as well as w ...

Scrubbing an Animation with Process Root Motion does not apply root motion

UE - Anim - Gameplay - Oct 18, 2019

When EnabledRootMotion and Process Root Motion are both enabled for an animation with root motion, scrubbing an animation does not match the result of playing the animation. The playing animation al ...

Shared Transitions are not usable by separate state machines within the same ABP

UE - Anim - Runtime - Anim Blueprints - Oct 18, 2019

Shared transition rules/crossfades are not usable by other state machines within the same ABP. Copy/Pasting these transitions to a new machine, create new independent shared transitions of the same ...

Foliage Actors Orphaned on Blueprint Compile

UE - World Creation - Worldbuilding Tools - Foliage - Oct 18, 2019

Recompiling a foliage painted actor bp will orphan already painted actors. ...

AActor doesn't consider latent actions when using "auto destroy when finished" functionality.

UE - Gameplay - Oct 18, 2019

Actors should check if they have any pending latent actions before automatically destroying themselves.   ...

Ensure condition failed when destroying a Level Sequence Actor on tick

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Oct 18, 2019

In Tick processing of LevelSequencActors of World Tick, If you destroy an actor with an actor's ticks, delete it immediately from the LevelSequencActor array. I think that the problem occurred becau ...

Incorrect Manual Focus Distance from eye dropper

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Oct 17, 2019

The Debug Focus Plane in the CineCameraActor does not appropriately respond to mouse input and position when the Manual Focus Distance is set using the eye-dropper. Tested in 4.21.2 (CL - 4753647), ...

Get Tracking State does not change in ARCore

UE - Platform - XR - Oct 17, 2019

On android, there is no way to detect when an image is not tracked by the camera anymore. Once the image is tracked, the tracking status of the image is always "tracking". According to GoogleARCore ...