Different CRC32 Results for Repeated Hashing of UStaticMesh

UE - Foundation - Jul 15, 2024

1. Download the Licensee repro, compile, and open:https://udn.unrealengine.com/s/contentdocument/069QP00000CdN7WYAV 2. Press the first hatched button on the top bar, next to the Platforms dropdown. ...

Standalone window played from editor hits assert Index >= 0 in UObjectArray

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Sep 23, 2016

Standalone window in editor will hit assert in a bit of time. Issue doesn't happen is playing standalone via Visual Studio. ...

Deleting static mesh that is used by foliage tool in content browser then selecting foliage window crashes editor

UE - World Creation - Worldbuilding Tools - Foliage - May 11, 2015

If a static mesh is being used by the foliage tool and then deleted in the content browser, the foliage tool will retain a copy of the object and crash the editor if the foliage window is selected a ...

Crash when converting non-WP maps containing landscape with OnlyMergeSubLevels enabled

UE - World Creation - Worldbuilding Tools - World Partition - Jul 21, 2023

When trying to convert a non-WP map with OnlyMergeSubLevels enabled crash after a while ...

Dithered LOD Transitions not Rendering Correctly on iOS with Use Landscape Lightmap feature and Foliage

UE - Platform - Mobile - Jun 21, 2016

Dithering appears aggressive and has a screen door-like effect when using the new Landscape Lightmap in combination with Foliage LOD changes. Owen Stupka attempted to reproduce the issue on his iPa ...

Force Feedback not pausing correctly during bGamePaused

UE - Gameplay - Jul 26, 2016

From UDN Question: https://udn.unrealengine.com/questions/304392/bug-clientplayforcefeedback-isnt-paused-when-game.html Tried with GamePad and Vive Controllers, having Gamepad wire connected + 2 Vi ...

[4.10 P2] UI is offcenter for dropdown menus and tooltips in editor

Tools - Nov 2, 2015

In Windows 10, on a system set up with 2 970GTX GPUs in SLI, the dropdown menues from the main navigation tabs will be offset and to the lower left of the screen when selected. ...

Array of Instanced Objects on Component Does Not Propagate to Children Correctly

UE - Foundation - Core - UObject - Jun 6, 2017

Attempting to add an entry to an array of instanced objects is not correctly displaying that entry in a child class based on that actor. It is expected that the inherited component in the child acto ...

Unable to edit default values of TMap struct variable stored in an inherited component from the full blueprint editor

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Editor - Jun 29, 2017

When you have a struct variable that is part of a TMap which is stored in an inherited component, the struct is not editable in the full blueprint editor. It is editable in the data only blueprint e ...