Set Order of Additive Anim Type and Force Root Lock cause different results

OLD - Anim - Aug 16, 2019

The order in which Additive Anim Type is set to Mesh Space and Force Root Lock is enabled/disabled changes the end result. This seems to be related to the animation compression and DDC. ...

OBB files per architecture are not unique so Play Store flags it when uploading for different store versions

UE - Platform - Mobile - Aug 16, 2019

The Play Store by default on uploading an OBB will check it against the others uploaded so if you are uploading multiple APKs built for different architectures in the same packaging session the OBB ...

Duplicating an overridden function graph causes input/output pins to double

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Editor - Aug 16, 2019

This is caused by the same thing that causes this: FBlueprintEditorUtils::PromoteGraphFromInterfaceOverride is the cause of this behavior  ...

Emitters at display 3.4 in Content Examples Niagara map are not rendering

UE - Niagara - Aug 16, 2019

REGRESSION: Yes, did not occur in 4.22 In the Content Examples Niagara map, the emitters at display 3.4 are not rendering when at runtime. There were some fixes for this (or a similar issue) for V ...

Moving Objects with Surface Snapping Enabled Causes Major Offset

UE - LD & Modeling - Terrain - Landscape - Aug 16, 2019

When using surface snapping objects do not move properly.  4.23 CL# 7948402, 4.24 CL# 8012457 This is a regression. ...

Animation poses can be "cached" by reroute nodes as an output in

UE - Anim - Runtime - Aug 16, 2019

by design, animation pose output pins can only connect to a single pose input pin. However, you can circumvent this behavior by dragging off the initial pose node output pin into an empty spot on th ...

Crash when using Get Start/End Frame (Seconds) node with MovieSceneSection have no opened bound

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Aug 14, 2019

If use Get Start/End Frame (Seconds) with GetStartFrame has a section isBounded is False, eg 3DTransformSection, editor will be crashed. Specifically, a following code occur crash. inline FFrame ...

Get D3D12 RHI compiling on strict mode

UE - Rendering Architecture - RHI - Aug 13, 2019

Animation Blueprint Classes are Uncastable

OLD - Anim - Aug 13, 2019

It appears that the Anim Instance class is no longer accessible. As a result, no animation blueprints made are accessible via blueprints - regardless of whether or not the skeletal mesh actually use ...

"Move selected actors to level" will move all foliage currently opened when a AInstancedFoliageActor is selected

UE - World Creation - Worldbuilding Tools - Foliage - Aug 13, 2019

From UDN've noticed a very dangerous behavior when moving actors from one level to another. If ...