Can not edit Level Sequence Actor's Override Instance Data from Blueprint

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Mar 28, 2019

Although DefaultInstanceData of Level Sequence can be edited by BP, bOverrideInstanceData can not be edited by BP. Therefore, to reflect the edited result of DefaultInstanceData by BP, it is necessa ...

Material Parameter Collection parameters only return default values when drawn to a Render Target

UE - Graphics Features - Mar 27, 2019

Material Parameter Collection parameters only return default values when drawn to a Render Target This does NOT happen when drawing a material using a non-MPC parameter. To test this:Open Actor_BP ...

Crash in RecreateClothingActors() when using MasterPoseComponent

UE - Simulation - Physics - Character - Mar 27, 2019

As part of RecreateClothingActors(), the master pose component is not checked for a valid mesh and therefore when TransformComponent->GetComponentSpaceTransforms() is indexed into, crashes can occur ...

Dynamically Created Render Target Does Not Work in Packaged Project

UE - Graphics Features - Mar 27, 2019

Dynamically created render targets do not work as expected when packaged for windows. If it is replaced with a static render target, it works fine. Found in 4.20 CL# 4369336, 4.21 CL# 4753647, 4.22 ...

RepLayout CompareObject should treat weakpointers with different index and serialnumber as different even if both resolve to null

UE - Networking - Mar 27, 2019

When comparing Object references in RepLayout weakpointers that does not share the same index and serialnumber should be considered different even if they both resolve to null. ...

Need to focus in Sequencer window for arrow hotkeys to work each time when scrubbing the timeline

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Mar 26, 2019

The Sequencer timeline can't be scrubbed with the arrow keys because the Sequencer Window loses focus after an arrow key is pressed. This is a regression from 4.21.2 (CL-4753647) where repeated arro ...

Incorrect number of parameters in empty Shipping version of the DrawDebugString() function signature

UE - Foundation - Core - Mar 26, 2019

The DrawDebugString() function has to versions. One is the actual function to display a string of debug text in non-Shipping builds, and the other is an empty function that is used in Shipping build ...

Array index out of range with StopTree

UE - AI - Mar 26, 2019

Crashes when exiting PIE while executing multiple async tasks. By explicitly executing EndTask and FinishAbort of RecieveAbort, this caused by performing out-of-range in array access to InstanceStac ...

Crash using the Dataprep tool (MaterialShared.cpp)

UE - Editor - Content Pipeline - Datasmith - Importer - Mar 25, 2019

The files in the linked case contain a project with a Datasmith scene and updated .udatasmith files that contains changes to the imported scene. When using the Dataprep Tool to import the updated sc ...

Niagara GPU Emitter Flickering at Certain Angles When the System Origin is Occluded

UE - Niagara - Mar 25, 2019

Niagara GPU Particle Flickering at Certain Angles When the System Origin is Occluded. Found in 4.20 CL# 4369336, 4.21 CL# 4753647, 4.22 Preview 6 CL# 5439949, and 4.23 CL# 5533539 ...