Niagara Mesh Renderer Incorrectly Rendering Mesh at Distances When Using Two Sided Material

UE - Niagara - Mar 25, 2019

Niagara Mesh Renderer Incorrectly Rendering Mesh at Distances When Using Two Sided Material.  Working as expected in 4.20 CL# 4369336 and 4.21 CL# 4753647 Found in 4.22 Preview 6 CL# 5439949 and 4 ...

Blueprint iOS projects can't package For Distribution

UE - Platform - Mobile - Mar 23, 2019

This issue doesn't occur using a project with source code This issue doesn't occur in a blueprint project if For Distribution is disabled (using a development certificate and provision) So far this ...

tvOS banner and App thumbnail do not appear on device; errors during app upload to Apple

UE - Platform - Mobile - Mar 22, 2019

When a user packages or launches onto tvOS it will be missing the thumbnail and the background banner. This may be a dupe of [Link Removed] but I have created this as this was confirmed to be worki ...

ForceActorRelevantNextUpdate will only force an update on the first connection

UE - Networking - Mar 21, 2019

The ForceActorRelevantNextUpdate will only trigger an update on the first connection in the list. Note that the ForceActorRelevantNextUpdate does not work on dynamic actors since their ActorChannel ...

Second player's screen does not render in Split Screen on Android

UE - Platform - Mobile - Mar 21, 2019

The second player's screen in a Split Screen multiplayer session on Android does not render. It remains completely black. This was also an issue prior to 4.15 but was fixed with [Link Removed]. The ...

Editor will freeze if anim composite has an animation with a notify and length of 0

OLD - Anim - Mar 21, 2019

An anim composite will freeze the editor if one of its animation segments has a a notify and a length of 0 or less. Debugging shows that the engine is stuck inside UAnimSequenceBase::GetAnimNotifies ...

Sun Position Calculator (CompassMesh) causes warning in packaged game due to being set to editor only

UE - Content - Engine - Mar 20, 2019

When packaging a project that is using the Sun Position Calculator plugin the logs will be spammed with warnings (Warning: Accessed None trying to read property CompassMesh). This could be worked ar ...

Crash when launching dx12 for the first time with Rect Lights

UE - Rendering Architecture - RHI - Mar 20, 2019

Users on the forums are hitting a crash on their initial launch of the engine into dx12. There is currently a workaround to load into the project with dx11 first, compile shaders, then youre fine to ...

Use mouse for touch enables gesture action on button which makes the button to lost focus to that the button fires onreleased event

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Slate - Mar 20, 2019

When Use mouse for touch is enabled, the button fires onreleased event. Here is what I investigated. Use mouse for touch enables gesture action in the button that leads to LongPress gesture fires ...