Contact shadow has box artifacts with backlighting for two sided Subsurface shading model

UE - Graphics Features - Shadows - Nov 14, 2023

See slack channel: [Link Removed] ...

Renderdoc failing to capture

UE - Rendering Architecture - Nov 13, 2023

This is not an issue in Release-5.2. ...

[MetaSounds][Ladder Filter] - Ladder Filter Produces Incorrect Output when the Sample Rate is not 48kHz

UE - Audio - MetaSounds - Oct 30, 2023

When the Sample Rate of the Audio Mixer or device is not 48kHz, the Ladder Filter output is not correct on PIE. It is Silent at 20000Hz, and other frequencies also sound wrong.  ...

[MetaSounds][Biquad Filter] - Biquad Filter Produces Incorrect Output when the Sample Rate is not 48kHz

UE - Audio - MetaSounds - Oct 30, 2023

When the Sample Rate of the Audio Mixer or device is not 48kHz, the Biquad Filter output is not correct on PIE. It is Silent at 20000Hz, and other frequencies also sound wrong. See [Link Removed] ...

Exiting PIE after ejecting from pawn and opening a level sequence will crash the editor

UE - Editor - Workflow Systems - Oct 26, 2023

Editor crashes after ejecting from pawn and opening a sequence when ending PIE ...

Control Rig Function Access Specifier Combo box not closing after selection

UE - Anim - Rigging - Control Rig - Oct 25, 2023

From a UDN Customer. When switching a control rig's access specifier from public to private and vice versa, the options of the combo box does not hide after the selection, it stays open until you p ...

Audio Does Not Play Back Correctly when entering an Audio Volume with a Submix Send that is PreAttenuation with a Submix using Convolution Reverb

UE - Audio - Oct 24, 2023

Entering an Audio Volume that has a Submix Send set to Pre Distance Attenuation and using a Convolution Reverb causes severe audio glitching. Does not occur if Send is Post Distance Attenuation. Doe ...

UPlacementSubsystem can return unintended factories from FindAssetFactoryFromAssetData

UE - Editor - Workflow Systems - Oct 13, 2023

Factories registered to the PlacementSubsystem using  UPlacementSubsystem::RegisterAssetFactory will always be added to the end of the AssetFactories array. Which means if there are any existing reg ...

Compiling Blueprints breaks socketed attachments of actors attached to non-root components

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Oct 12, 2023

When blueprints are compiled, instances of those blueprints have their attachments detached and then reattached. Reattachments always occur on the RootComponent regardless of which component they we ...

[MetaSounds][Audio Bus] - MetaSound Sources using Audio Bus nodes spam underruns when Audio Mixer Sample Rate is less or greater than 48kHz

UE - Audio - Audio Bus - Oct 5, 2023

Setting the Audio Mixer Sample Rate to 32000kHz causes underrun spam in audio bus reader and writer nodes and sounds to playback jittery. Tested with 24kHz and 32kHz. Does not repro in //Fortnite/R ...