the udn link: ...
This is a common crash affecting users in 4.16, and has occurred since at least 4.12 for more than 200 unique users. The callstack has similarities to [Link Removed], and as-such may be out of our ...
This seems to be a new crash coming out of 4.18. It is not very widespread at the moment, but the callstack is very similar to [Link Removed], which was fixed for 4.18.0. Users have not provided a ...
We started running into issues with the console history not saving after upgrading to 5.2.1. The console history (as in the commands last input into the in-game console) is no longer being saved bet ...
There is some unexpected behaviour around GameFeature Plugins (GFPs) when packaging with chunking enabled most noticeable when using PrimaryAssetLabels (PALs). Firstly, PrimaryAssetLabels do not ap ...
A licensee is having trouble getting the visual results they want because Lightmass doesn't seem to handle color changes from materials. They are seeing this in 2 cases: (See attached images and tes ...
IGameMoviePlayer playback of a movie during loading screen lets you set bAllowEngineTick = true as a parameter. This will make FDefaultGameMoviePlayer manually tick the engine: if (GEngine && bAll ...
When cooking world partition maps, it automatically writes out several maps in a "Generated" folder below the location of the map in the editor. In the repro above, this will create maps such as /Ga ...
When a code project's engine association is switched to a local binary version of a source engine, the project will fail to open from within Visual Studio. Error message says that UE4Editor-Project ...
The phaser module that is part of the new Audio Engine causes audio from a Sound Cue to mute after playing for one second. The user states that the issue comes from the Phaser.cpp file producing a N ...