The drag-onto-category operation is assigning the prettified category name, not the actual category name, resulting in variables that are not actually in the same category, even though they appear t ...
Disabling Online Subsystem prevents the project from loading. On Windows, this produces an error shown in attached screenshot. On Linux, this causes a crash with the attached callstack on project ...
CameraShake works fine in Camera Animation Sequence's Cine Camera Actor Preview. But not played on Play in Editor mode. ...
This is a longstanding crash that occurs with low frequency, but has affected over 200 users. One user describes that this occurred while packaging a project, although other users have not provided ...
Top Crash in 4.18 release Users have provided no comments on the issue Source Context:// Read single jobs 651 { 652 int32 SingleJobHeader = -1; 653 OutputFile << Si ...
Packaging a project to HTML5 while Online Framework is enabled seems to cause packaging failures. It produces the following errors from the Output Log: PackagingResults: Error: unresolved symbol: ...
If the file path with the asset contains a project name, the cooking file pathlength is incorrectly increased. The following code in ContentBrowserUtils :: GetPackageLengthForCooking causes this is ...
This is a trending crash coming out of the 4.17 release. Users have not provided any descriptions of their actions when the crash occurred. The callstack is very close to ...
After updating to Radeon Software 17.10.3 I can no longer open the editor. This has been seen on both a R9 390X and a R9 290. If I use AMD's Auto-detect software it's recommended version is 17.7.2 ...
Asynchronously loading a level that has one or more Actors using the "Async Load Primary Asset" node will enable dirty grug for that level asset. The cause is a modified code(CL-3764602) for the [L ...