Calling FHttpResponsePtr::GetContentLength() from OnRequestProgress delegate returns different values on Mac/iOS than Windows

Tools - Nov 9, 2016

Licensee was looking for a way to get total file size to display download progress. On Windows (which uses the curl library for Http request/response), binding a function to the OnRequestProgress d ...

Updating C++ projects with Marketplace plugins in 4.25.2 fails to build project

UE - Foundation - Cpp Tools - Plugin System - Jul 24, 2020

Projects created in previous engine versions fail to build in 4.25.2Running D:/Epic Games/UE_4.25/Engine/Binaries/DotNET/UnrealBuildTool.exe Development Win64 -Project="D:/Unreal Projects/MyProject4 ...

Crashes Caused by Deinitialization of Variables with Specific Names

UE - Gameplay - Components - Jun 14, 2018

I was able to repro the crash in 4.19. Unable to open sample project in 4.20 or 4.21. Per Licensee: While porting one of our classes from using UMaterialBillboardComponent to a hand rolled Billboar ...

[CrashReport] UE4Editor_UnrealEd!ObjectTools::ForceDeleteObjects() [objecttools.cpp:2097]

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Aug 8, 2016

This JIRA is being entered as a result of it being one of the top crashes occurring in 4.13 Preview 1. Error message: Ensure condition failed: Lhs.CurrentNum == Lhs.InitialNum [Link Removed] [Line ...

BP: DEBUG: Debug filter automatically switches to one of the instances of blueprint which doesn t let user debug other instances of blueprint

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Aug 5, 2014

GameVersion Branch: UE4 Configuration: Main Version: 2242091 CommandLine:qagame -log Label: GUBP Node Shared_LabelPromotable built from changelist 2242091 DESCRIPTION: Debug filter automatically sw ...

CapsuleComponent Shape sometimes reverts to previous value after entering a new value

UE - Foundation - Core - Nov 28, 2014

If you manually type in the value for Capsule Half Height, it will sometimes revert back to it's previous value upon hitting Enter. The CapsuleComponent's shape in the Blueprint's Viewport adjust to ...

[CrashReport] SMediaPlayerEditorOutput::UpdateSoundWave(), SetAudioSink()

Media Framework - Aug 9, 2016

This JIRA is being entered as a result of it being one of the top crashes in 4.13 Preview 1. Error message: Access violation - code c0000005 (first/second chance not available) Source Context: 67 ...

Mirror Data Table is NOT added SyncMarker automatically when creating

UE - Anim - Runtime - Oct 27, 2022

Mirror Data Table is added rows about Bone, Curve, Notify when creating. But SyncMarker is ignored. The following codes can fix this issue. Engine/Source/Runtime/Engine/Private/Animation/MirrorDa ...

[CrashReport] UE4Editor_Engine!UModelComponent::GetPhysicsTriMeshData() [modelcomponent.cpp:674]

UE - Simulation - Physics - Sep 12, 2017

This is an occasional crash in the 4.17 release. Users have not provided any descriptions of their actions when the crash occurred. Source Context 664 for(int32 ElementIndex = 0;ElementIn ...

Actor in Map in Struct Causes Crash When Changed

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Mar 8, 2018

User submitted bug. Editor will crash after changing key or value in Map. ...