Renamed Enums displayed in Standalone game will show the original default name instead

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Mar 18, 2015

Renamed Enums displayed in Standalone game will show the original default name instead. ...

Exiting PIE with dedicated server checked causes editor to crash on Linux

UE - Platform - Linux - Oct 25, 2016

Checking the box for Dedicated Server in the Play dropdown menu causes the editor to crash when exiting PIE. This does not occur in 4.13 or 4.14 on Windows. ...

DLC Package content isn't recognized when using RequestAsyncLoad

UE - Foundation - Core - May 24, 2016

Attempting to load dlc assets with RequestAsyncLoad function results in the assets not being recognized. ...

Camera bookmark modifications are not saved unless it is a new bookmark

UE - Editor - Workflow Systems - Dec 2, 2022

This is not a regression. Tested in //UE5/Release-5.0 cl20979098. Camera bookmark modifications are not saved unless it is a new bookmark. From the user reporter: "FBookmarkTypeToolsImpl.CreateOrS ...

[CrashReport] Mac crash - FShaderCompilingManager::ProcessCompiledShaderMaps()

UE - Graphics Features - Nov 16, 2017

This is an infrequent Mac crash in the 4.18 release. The callstack is a match to [Link Removed] (loading Zen editor on Mac), but that was confirmed fixed for 4.18.0 while this continues for users. ...

Crash during shader compilation when r.Shaders.Optimize=0

UE - Rendering Architecture - Shaders - Mar 11, 2024

The primary shader crashing is "FVisualizeLumenSceneCS" which I've put in the callstack section, but I think this is more likely a binding problem as I'm also see the following crash with cloud shad ...

[CrashReport] Linux crash - FMonitoredProcess::Launch()

UE - Platform - Linux - Sep 14, 2017

This is an infrequent Linux crash occurring in 4.17.1. Callstack from Log[2017.09.06-15.26.30:028][666]LogLinux: Error: appError called: Assertion failed: Assertion failed: [File:/home/***/.local/ ...

Shader compiler errors when using enclosed local variables in a material while ray tracing is enabled

UE - Rendering Architecture - RHI - Jan 23, 2020

A licensee is seeing an issue with a couple of post process materials after enabling ray tracing. While the materials presenting the issue fail to compile for different reasons, they both refernce t ...

[CrashReport] Crash CheckForWorldGCLeaks() - EditorDestroyWorld()

UE - AI - Sep 8, 2017

This is a somewhat common but longstanding Mac crash that has affected users since at least 4.13. Recently in 4.17.1, the crashes are all occurring in various ARKit projects User DescriptionsI add ...

[CrashReport] UE4Editor-ApplicationCore.dylib!invocation function for block in FMacApplication::DeferEvent()

UE - Platform - Apple - Dec 1, 2017

This is an infrequent Mac crash in 4.18.1. Users have not provided any descriptions. Callstack from Log2017.11.27-02.08.07:839][947]LogMaterial: Missing cached shader map for material FLightmassMat ...