Virtual Bone effect is lost after re-importing mesh

OLD - Anim - Dec 31, 2018

After setting up a Virtual Bone on the skeleton and having it drive a Skeletal Control Node in an Animation Blueprint. Reimporting the skeletal mesh will cause the setup in the Anim BP to revert bac ...

Child Actor Audio Volume Makes UE4 Crash

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Dec 31, 2018

When creating an actor, adding a child actor component to it, and setting that child to a Audio Volume the Editor will crash if you try to change any of the Audio Volume settings. ...

Depth Fade Material + Mobile HDR Disabled does not work with OpenGL 3.1 on Oculus Go

UE - Platform - Mobile - Dec 28, 2018

"Depth Fade" material node does not work on Oculus Go with Open GL 3.1 active and Mobile HDR disabled. Seems very similar to [Link Removed] however disabling Separate Translucency or calling  r.M ...

Blueprint graph stops drawing correctly after using shift-drag

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Editor - Dec 26, 2018

When shift-dragging in the Blueprint graph and ending the drag on a node with a connected wire, the Blueprint graph will freeze up. There is an attached video that showcases the issue as well. Th ...

Sequence node numbering error when adding execution pin.

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Dec 26, 2018

When using the "Insert execution pin after" option with a sequence node "Then 0" gets removed. ...

In the Editor details panel for a float, When entering a decimal of 18 numbers results in incorrect truncation.

Tools - Dec 24, 2018

In Editor details panels for a float value, when entering a decimal of 18 numbers results in incorrect truncation. ...

Android 9 has api compatibility problem

UE - Platform - Mobile - Dec 24, 2018

UClass::HasProperty() returns true for properties in a child class even though the comment for the function indicates it checks for the property in the current class and parents of the current class

UE - Foundation - Core - Dec 21, 2018

The comment describing UClass::HasProperty() indicates that it checks to see if a specified property exists in a class, or a parent of that class. However, when a property that exists in a child of ...

FMD5::Update can crash when used with packages larger than 2^31

UE - Foundation - Core - Cooker - Dec 21, 2018

This bug was reported by Nurulize on UDN: UPackage::Save calls FMD5::Update at line 5918 The bug comes from the fact that Writer->TotalSize() is int64 vs the 2nd parameter of FMD5::Update which ...

Collision Problems on Meshes with Collision Complexity Setting UseComplexAsSimple

UE - Simulation - Physics - Dec 20, 2018

Collision does not appear to work properly on a static mesh that is set up with UseComplexCollisionAsSimple. ...