ContentExamples: ParallaxOcclusionMapping "BumpOffset" is one word in multiple locations

Docs - Samples - Jan 20, 2017

According to documentation, Bump Offset is 2 words. There are 2 displays that contradict this ...

ContentExamples: PhysicalAnimation Example 1.2 the P in "BluePrint" is capitalized

Docs - Samples - Jan 19, 2017

The P in "BluePrint" is capitalized in Example 1.2 of PhysicsAnimation level. The word Blueprint should match the documentation ...

ContentExamples: Physics Level Multiple misspellings

Docs - Samples - Jan 19, 2017

Physics Example 1.1 "StaticMesh" is one word The word Static Mesh is 2 separate words in unreal documentation ...

ContentExamples: StaticMeshes Example 1.7 "StaticMeshEditor" is all one word

Docs - Samples - Jan 19, 2017

StaticMeshes Example 1.7 "StaticMeshEditor" is all one word The word Static Mesh Editor is 3 separate words in unreal documentation ...

ContentExamples: UMG Example 2.3 "blueprint" is lowercased

Docs - Samples - Jan 19, 2017

The word "blueprint" on stand 2.3 in the Content Examples: UMG map is lowercase, but should be capitalized ...

ContentExamples: Volumes Example 1.9 There is an extra space between "Causing" and "Event"

Docs - Samples - Jan 19, 2017

In Display 1.9, there is an extra space between Causing and Event ...

In Persona, the lighting rig rotation changes when switching between profiles

OLD - Anim - Jan 19, 2017

When the user switches between profiles in Preview Scene Settings, the lighting rig rotation changes randomly, and doesn't stick with the rotation that was set in the profile. ...

Auto-Play doesn't work on keyed actors in a sub-level using Initially Loaded and Visible (Packaged Game Only)

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Jan 19, 2017

Auto-Play doesn't work when keying actors in a sub-level using Initially Loaded and Visible (Packaged Game Only) In the attached project, the only item in the persistent level is the Sequence Actor ...

Crash when using a Self reference with a Custom Event variable

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Jan 19, 2017

Crash when using a Self reference with a Custom Event variable that is using Pass By Reference. The crash only seems to occur if the setup was created in the Player Controller class. This was origi ...

FMonitoredProcess does not properly support -nothreading mode

UE - Foundation - Core - Jan 19, 2017

For single threaded mode, we need to update FMonitoredProcess to handle processing in a single threaded fashion. Currently, we are continuing before the process has completed, which could result in ...