[CrashReport] UE4Editor_OculusAvatar!__delayLoadHelper2() [delayhlp.cpp:323]

UE - Platform - XR - Nov 12, 2018

No user comments in crash group ...

Game projects that rely on legacy include paths are not compatible with Blueprint nativization.

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Nov 10, 2018

Using legacy-style #include paths in a game project is allowed by UBT by default, but it's currently not compatible with Blueprint nativization, as it does not account for this possibility. Current ...

Opacity Map is exported from Max using Datasmith but not Imported

UE - Editor - Content Pipeline - Datasmith - Exporters - Nov 9, 2018

Dynamic NavMesh disappears when loading/unloading SubLevels

UE - AI - Nov 9, 2018

A DynamicNavMesh within a NavMeshBoundsVolume placed in a SubLevel will disappear if loading/unloading another SubLevel that has completely nothing to do with the DynamicNavMesh. Using a setup with ...

Crash on Level Load with Sequencer Event

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Nov 9, 2018

Crash when changing maps with sequencers new event director. Confirmed in 4.22 MAIN at CL 4553454 ...

[REGRESSION] Export has missing entities, randomly.

UE - Editor - Content Pipeline - Datasmith - Exporters - Nov 9, 2018

Reported by users on the forum (https://forums.unrealengine.com/unreal-engine/unreal-studio/1548249-unreal-studio-beta-4-21-release) I can reproduce locally with sample scene from Revit. Regre ...

Creating a Blueprint Variable for InputActionKeyMappings, and then removing the default input parameter causes crash.

UE - Gameplay - Input - Nov 9, 2018

Upon creation and compilation of a Blueprint Variable of type InputActionKeyMappings, when clicking the "X" to remove the default input key parameter causes the editor to crash. ...

Copy+Paste with custom widget seems to "break link" with default values

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Nov 8, 2018

It should be noted that this issue does not occur if you were to create a new "test widget" (by dragging it from the widget list) every time instead of copying and pasting an existing widget. The i ...

Calling "GetCameraImage" rapidly ~10 times causes ARKit camera feed to stop updating

UE - Platform - XR - Nov 8, 2018

If you call the "GetCameraImage" function rapidly ~10 times, it causes the ARKit camera feed to stop updating.  Waiting for awhile or tapping some more seems to bring it back.   Tested on macOS H ...

iPhone X Notch is off center on XR and XS Max when selecting their screen size in a UMG Widget

UE - Platform - Mobile - Nov 8, 2018

The iPhone X notch is off center on the XS Max and the XR. ...