When the player at index 0 sets its user focus it will cause other players to lose input. This does not occur when setting the user focus of players with an index higher than 0. ...
Material Nodes, particularly Constant Vector 3s and Texture Samples, become difficult to read when users overlay them like stacked cards. [Image Removed] Also reproduced in Main Promotable-CL-2548 ...
Blueprint Diff doesn't find the difference in changed Child Actor Components in duplicated Child Actors. This seems to be contained to Child Actor Components that are inherited by a Child Actor Clas ...
Character Movement values do not reset to defaults. Changing a value and then using the arrow to Reset to Default updates the number displayed in the Details panel, but the value does not update dur ...
Apex cloth material assigned to multiple material elements will not render correctly in Persona or when PIE/Simulate in the editor. Any material element other than element 0 will be masked/invisible ...
Playing a sequence more than once will have an incorrect player status on the first frame. ...
Skeletal Mesh Components that use Custom Animation Mode will have their animation rest to the base position when any change is made to the Level Sequence that the character is used in. The Licensee ...
If a client attaches a scene component to a server authoritative scene component and that server component later has a change in attachment made on the server, the AttachChildren array on the client ...
With multiple Translucent Material sorted in 3-D space or via Transparency Sort Priority, if one of the materials uses refraction it will render on top of the others no matter position or sort prior ...
UNetDriver::DestroyedStartupOrDormantActors maintains a list of deleted startup (and dormant) actors. This is used to notify clients that have joined the server of Actors that need to be destroyed ...