Attempting to add or alter custom functions in character blueprint crashes editor upon compile

OLD - Anim - Aug 27, 2015

Editor crashes when adding or adjusting functions within character blueprint. Frequency: 5/5 Crashreporter: N/A Note: Does not reproduce on a new character blueprint, this seems limited to a cha ...

Adding variables to components reports incorrect owner

UE - Gameplay - Aug 26, 2015

Components that have variables added to them cause the component to register the wrong blueprint owner. ...

World Composition origin shifting does not account for shifting the Dynamic Directional Light shadow casting

UE - World Creation - Worldbuilding Tools - World Composition - Aug 9, 2016

Directional light does not cast dynamic shadows after origin rebasing using world composition. There is an attached project that reproduces this. To see that the shadows load primarily where the l ...

Post Process Effect Screen Percentage Not Functioning

UE - Graphics Features - Mar 18, 2015

The Post Process setting "Screen Percentage" does not seem to work at all. After looking at the example provided in the documentation highlighting the Content Examples map with this feature, I was ...

UMG Tooltips are tiny and unreadable

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Jul 1, 2015

When hovering over tooltips, the windows pop up at a very small, unreadable size. ...

Screenshot console command does not work properly on mobile devices

UE - Platform - Mobile - Feb 3, 2016

Screenshots taken by the console command Shot or HighResShot are not being saved on Android or iOS devices. ...

Details customizations with object references can cause map loading to fail.

Tools - Jan 23, 2018

This crash can be reproduced by adding a graph editor to a details customization.  This crashes because the graph editor is holding a strong reference to the graph object on the actor component duri ...

AI character does not recognize controller/behavior tree input when spawned during game

UE - AI - Jun 21, 2015

AI character in user project does not react to behavior tree commands when spawned during play. In the specific example attached, the first pawn works correctly, but when removed from play and a n ...

Popups are causing a hang

UE - Platform - Mobile - Feb 8, 2016

Users are reporting that a system pop up such as a timer or low memory is causing a hang and crash. ...

SpeedTree Billboards rendering with Incorrect Material

Tools - Dec 12, 2016

Material Billboards for SpeedTree assets are rendering with the incorrect material. This can occur to any pre-existing project, or a new project with imported SpeedTree content using both 3d LODs an ...