Generated definition of BlueprintNativeEvent UFUNCTION in an interface does not include const keyword for return type

UE - Foundation - Core - Aug 15, 2018

UHT does not correctly create generated code for BlueprintNativeEvent UFUNCTIONs in an interface that return const values. In the corresponding .gen.cpp file, the generated code does not include the ...

Crash on garbage collection - Encountered 20 object(s) breaking GC Clusters assumptions.

UE - Foundation - Core - Aug 15, 2018

Garbage collection crash during opening cinematic. Note after crashing and relaunching the game the saved file appears as 8% complete instead of 0%. Note this crash is also occurring with //UE4/D ...

Level blueprint is being executed twice at start of PIE

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Aug 15, 2018

Level blueprint is being executed twice at start of PIE So far I have only seen this behavior with the Print String node when wired to Event Begin Play or Event Tick.  I have been unable to reprod ...

Linker Object (Unresolved Export) Crash on Standalone Exit

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Aug 15, 2018

Crash when exiting standalone. "we have an export that is never getting resolved, this is the export that is causing the mislink error when shutting down the game" Please see UDN post for more info ...

AJA - Output doesn't properly shutdown (grey screen)

UE - Virtual Production - Aug 15, 2018

SMT is reporting that AJA output doesn't properly shutdown, Screen end up with shades of grey instead of black. ...

If landscape was rotated, Ramp tool does not work properly

UE - LD & Modeling - Terrain - Landscape - Aug 15, 2018

If landscape was rotated, Ramp tool does not work properly. In particular, the debug display is not working properly.It is tilted diagonally. ...

Setting a console variable interacts with window state

When the game window is set to be windowed and maximized, setting a console variable changes the window's state from being maximized to its default size.  This is a regression as it is working as e ...

Incorrect native code generation when Blueprint nativization is enabled for objects instanced through the editor and assigned to an instanced object reference property on the CDO

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Aug 14, 2018

When converting a Blueprint class to native C++ code, we're not currently distinguishing between an instanced default subobject assigned to an instanced object reference property within the CDO that ...

Crash upon selecting CameraComponent in Sequencer when level is locked

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Aug 14, 2018

Selecting a Camera Component in the Sequencer window when the level is locked causes the Engine to crash.  This was reported and tested in 4.20.1 (CL-4233996). This was reproduced in 4.19.2 (CL-403 ...