Procedural Mesh Component 'Create StaticMesh' does not preserve collision

UE - LD & Modeling - Modeling Tools - Mesh Editing - Nov 5, 2019

Creating a static mesh from a procedural mesh does not preserve simple collision or collision settings. ...

Evaluate WPO for Foliage(HISM) is based on Local Space?

UE - Graphics Features - Lumen - Aug 21, 2021

FDateTime is not correctly formatted by As Date Time when using any dates before January 1st, 1970

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Localization - Mar 30, 2015

FDateTime is not correctly formatted by As Date Time when using any dates before January 1st, 1970. From a conversation on Slack with MaxP: this is probably an underflow the ICU based string format ...

UMG curve editor values are set to 0 when dragging a set value

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Jul 10, 2015

An example of this issue would be that after setting the color and opacity setting along the time line and then trying to click and drag that key frame it will set the value for the currently select ...

Multi Line Trace by Channel includes Actors with Overlap collision in the Out Hits array

UE - Gameplay - Apr 13, 2015

Multi Line Trace by Channel includes Actors with Overlap collision in the Out Hits array (but does not indicate a True Return Value). The two returns match with Ignore and Block collision settings. ...

Hierarchy is lost when components are copied from one blueprint to another

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Jun 8, 2015

If a user has a list of components with a hierarchy, the hierarchy is lost in the target location if they copy the components to another blueprint. ...

World Origin Shifting Rendering Desync On Play

UE - World Creation - Worldbuilding Tools - World Composition - Jan 27, 2020

Editable text boxes (UMG) are displying the incorrect character when packaging to HTML5

UE - Platform - Mobile - Feb 10, 2015

When you add a editable text box to a project via UMG and package and deploy that project for HTML5, The Text box will show invalid characters when certain keys are pressed. I have attached a photo ...

FInternetAddrBSDIPv6::SetIp doesn't handle all valid IPv6 formats

UE - Networking - Sep 29, 2016

Currently FInternetAddrBSDIPv6::SetIp(const CHAR* InAddr, bool& bIsValid) does not handle all valid formats of IPv6 addresses. Need to rework the function to be more robust, and properly handle all ...

Crash When server traveling from one level and then back again after calling a multiclass event (using Play as Listen Server)

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Apr 20, 2018

A crash occurs when switching back and forth between levels when using seamless travel. This happens if a multicast was called and if it contains a member variable. ...