Missing Jump Nodes for Character Blueprint in 4.8 verstion of Animatioin Starter Pack

Docs - Samples - Jul 10, 2015

While other inputs are set up for the Character BluePrint, the inputs for Jump are missing so that, even if the user enters Action Mappings for jump under project settings, the character may play t ...

Crash caused by character referencing a reparented AnimBP

OLD - Anim - Oct 18, 2017

Placing a character that reference to a reparented AnimBP(created as a child of thirdperson, then reparented to AnimInstance) crashes editor after reopening the project. If you already had that charac ...

Outside of AnimBP's, Animation Sequences with negative Rate Scales do not animate

OLD - Anim - Mar 20, 2015

Animation Sequences with negative Rate Scales do not play outside of using them in Animation Blueprints...unless they are looping. UPDATE: A negative rate scale value also breaks Anim Montages. ht ...

The Get node for the float value of Custom Axis Mappings only return 0.0 when called from Blueprints other than the Controller

UE - Gameplay - Input - Dec 3, 2014

The Get node for the float value of Custom Axis Mappings only returns 0.0 when called from Blueprints other than the Controller. Input from the player does not affect the value. Note: this works a ...

Level Streaming Blocking Loads Do Not Work

UE - Gameplay - Jun 4, 2018

It is believed that If Should Block On Load is TRUE, the entire game should freeze up until the entire level is loaded. Then If Should Block On Load is FALSE, the game continues to play while the le ...

OnAudioPlacebackPercentage PlaybackPercentage (float) doesn't take into account "Start Time" from Play or FadeIn nodes

UE - Audio - Aug 17, 2020

PlaybackPercent on the OnAudioPlaybackPercent event does not account for Start Offset from the Play or FadeIn node. Reported and tested in version 4.25.3 (CL-13942748) and version 4.24.3 (CL-115903 ...

"Favorite Levels" not persisting correctly when changed in the Editor

UE - Editor - Workflow Systems - Nov 21, 2023

In the Level Editor's "File" menu, there is a "Favorite Levels" list, which is persisted in the config file "EditorPerProjectUserSettings.ini" under section "[FavoriteFiles]". Manually editing this ...

Characters with disabled Net Load on Client are loaded twice on a Standalone Client

UE - Networking - Jun 16, 2015

Characters with disabled Net Load on Client are loaded twice on a Standalone Client. This does not occur on the Server. This only occurs in Standalone, not in PIE nor in packaged games. Reproduced ...

Actors animated with sequencer cause "Begin/End Overlap" events to fire every tick

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Jul 18, 2016

Actors animated with sequencer cause "Begin/End Overlap" events to fire every tick while overlapping another actor ...

Hierarchical Instanced Static Meshes do not render in Custom Depth

UE - Graphics Features - Jan 6, 2016

When rendering a custom depth post process material Hierarchical Instanced Static Meshes will not use this even if they have been enabled to do so. Sample Project attached. ...