A Component Array doesn't update properly when using Structure Variables. Any array elements added after the setup don't get printed when the event is called. If you set the "Editable when Inherited ...
The logic to check the version number of Adreno devices does not work if there are letters in the version (like Adreno 642L). ...
If a device has no available input or output devices, activating an Audio Capture component will cause the device to crash. Occurs in Editor and Runtime. Assertion failed: NumTotalFrames > 0 [File:E ...
Values changed to an inherited Struct variable in a Child Blueprint will be kept after compile, but any not changed will be set to 0s. ...
To have a Particle System use an Emitter Delay Range that is chosen on each loop of the emitter, you must have under Duration, Duration Recalc Each Loop set to True. ...
Found in the process of replicating the linked Answerhub. When an opaque material is setup as a master material with the intent to have an Opaque and Translucent version, the material instance will ...
When a UTF-16 character (™ for example) is passed into a StringToBytes() function and then returned via BytesToString, the returned character does not match (in the case of ™, a double quotes is ret ...
Shots have little visible indication when they are overlapping. This can cause some visual confusion as to why events and spawnables from a shot that looks like it should end are still triggering ...
3D widgets attached to the camera render incorrectly when compared to the oculus rift. When the Widget is centered to the camera and attached to it in the Character BP the widget will render incorre ...
Unexpected vertex normal orientation when manipulating some morph targets. This may be related to [Link Removed], but felt different enough to enter on it's own. ...