Material Instance values lost when using Material Parameters inside of multiple Material Functions

UE - Rendering Architecture - Materials - Mar 30, 2018

Material Instance parameters (that derive from parents using material functions) can have their data shifted or not saved. ...

[Metal-Epic:Tools] Compiling Metal 2.0 shaders on XCode 9.3 beta with desktop forward selected fails on iOS

UE - Graphics Features - Mar 30, 2018

Shaders fail to compile with a series of cube map errors (subset below): LogShaderCompilers: Warning: 17 Shader compiler errors compiling global shaders for platform SF_METAL_MRT:   LogShaderComp ...

Widget retains reference for widgets that have been replaced and deleted

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Mar 29, 2018

Widget references remain even after the referenced widgets have been deleted. This happens if the widget was replaced with another user created widget. ...

meshes from 3ds Max which have custom pivots do not reappear in the level after undoing a delete action

UE - Editor - Content Pipeline - Datasmith - Exporters - Mar 29, 2018

There is an issue occurring where meshes from 3ds Max which have custom pivots from a datasmith import do not reappear in the level after deleting them and then undoing the delete action. The mesh d ...

Incorrect macro definitions in VisualLogger.h

UE - Gameplay - Mar 28, 2018

UE_CVLOG_BOX, UE_CVLOG_OBOX, and UE_CVLOG_CONE have problems with their definitions. UE_CVLOG_OBOX calls UE_VLOG_BOX instead of UE_VLOG_OBOX All 3 of these macros also call their respective macro ...

Merging negative-scaled actors breaks materials

UE - World Creation - Worldbuilding Tools - HLOD - Mar 27, 2018

Materials are broken when merging a mesh with another that has negative scale Licencee states that bisMirrored in FMeshMergeHelpers::TransformRawMeshVertexData seems to be involved. Does not occur ...

Landscape leaking when using ParallelInitView 1

UE - LD & Modeling - Terrain - Landscape - Mar 27, 2018

see step ...

[CrashReport] UE4Editor_D3D11RHI!FD3D11DynamicRHI::RHISetShaderResourceViewParameter() [d3d11commands.cpp:512]

UE - Graphics Features - Mar 27, 2018

No user comments in crash group 500 void FD3D11DynamicRHI::RHISetShaderResourceViewParameter(FVertexShaderRHIParamRef VertexShaderRHI,uint32 TextureIndex,FShaderResourceViewRHIParamRef SRVRHI ...

[CrashReport] UE4Editor_Landscape!FLandscapeComponentSceneProxy::CalculateLODFromScreenSize() [landscaperender.cpp:1522]

UE - LD & Modeling - Terrain - Landscape - Mar 27, 2018

No user comments in crash group 1511 if (PreferedLOD >= 0.0f) 1512 { 1513 PreferedLOD = FMath::Clamp<int32>(PreferedLOD, FMath::Max((float)FirstLOD, MinValidLOD), FMath::Mi ...

[CrashReport] UE4Editor_RHI!FClearValueBinding::GetClearColor() [rhi.h:989]

UE - Platform - XR - Mar 27, 2018

No user comments in crash group 986 FLinearColor GetClearColor() const 987 { 988 ***** ensure(ColorBinding == EClearBinding::EColorBound); 989 return FLinearColor(V ...