Preserve Non-Uniform Scale doesn't work for child actors when they are scaled smaller than the parent. Licensee Description: I just noticed that the option does not seem to work if the object is p ...
Weird wobbling rendering artifact are generated on the surface of the Mesh located far from the origin. ...
After performing the repro steps, screen will softlock unless you perform the "slide from 3 to 4, then back to 3" steps. Appears to be an iOS system bug, but see if we can find a workaround. ...
Planar Reflections on mobile work well with single plane assets but not with anything with multiple sides, like a box. Tested in: 4.12.4 CL-3028348 4.13 Dev-Editor CL-3038075 ...
Construction script execution following blueprint compile gets invalid actor reference if Blueprint compilation manager is enabled. For example, in the attached project, Right after blueprint compi ...
When a capsule collider passes from the top of one piece of geometry to another that is very close the OnHit event doesn't fire. I have attached a project that demonstrates the issue in 4.23. A vid ...
Float values with the meta tag expose on spawn aren't retaining their value when the value is set with a Spawn Actor node. It appears to only be floats. Maybe it has something to do with the change ...
"FVoiceSerializeHelper doesn't add references to AudioComponent instances" ShooterGame crashes when following the repro steps provided by the licensee, listed below and on the UDN post. Crash image ...
Planar Reflection actor does not reflect the intensity change of the SkyLight. In attached images, the Intensity of the SkyLight is set to 2. The darker area on the right is affected by the Plana ...
In the Level Window, Sub Levels which are nested inside of a folder will lose their hierarchy upon changing their streaming methods. ...