"Hiding Other Developer Assets" does not work when "Show All Folder" is enabled

UE - Editor - Workflow Systems - Aug 12, 2022

In the implementation of FFrontendFilter_ShowOtherDevelopers, the developer folder is determined by whether the asset path starts with /Game/Developers/. However, when "Show All Folder" is enabled, ...

LightPropagationVolume plugin can not be disabled

UE - Graphics Features - Aug 6, 2015

SceneRenderTargets.cpp includes LightPropagationVolumeBlendable.h, which means if you disable the LightPropagationVolume plugin and compile, you will get compile errors. ...

EyeAdaptation node is not working in Decal

UE - Graphics Features - May 25, 2021

It is working correctly in 4.25.4. In 4.26.2, it is not working. It is also not working in UE4main 16382403. ...

Light Types Show Flags in SceneCaptureComponent2D is not functioning properly

UE - Virtual Production - May 30, 2021

It was working until 4.25.4. It is easy to see if you turn on/off the Light Types Show Flags in SceneCaptureComponent2D. ...

Fountain emitters are constantly showing errors in the timeline and are not displaying correctly

UE - Niagara - Mar 4, 2021

This issue is not present in 4.25.4 You can also avoid the problem if the LoopBehavior of the EmitterState is Multiple and LoopDelay is enabled. [Image Removed] It seems to be a binding of certai ...

Sequencer- New takes will not respect project setting take number if initial asset doesn't have a shot number

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Jul 18, 2024

With 5.2, we allowed the take separator to be multiple characters long. But it would appear that when using this feature, if you don't also have a 'shot number' before the take separator, then the n ...

Launch on Nexus 9 fails due to unknown arm64-v8a architecture

UE - Platform - Mobile - Mar 13, 2015

Nexus 9 fails due to unrecognized CPU architecture. Need to add mapping of arm64-v8a to arm64 (UE4 internal architecture for this part) so it will fall back to armv7 for now and in future use 64-bi ...

ApplyAdditive AnimBlueprint node with Slot node is not working correctly.

OLD - Anim - Dec 24, 2015

Applying ApplyAdditive node with Additive motion directly on AnimBlueprint works correctly but applying ApplyAdditive node with Slot node playing additive motion is not working correctly that makes ...

LightMap is created exceeding [Packed Light and Shadow Map Texutre Size]

UE - Graphics Features - Lumen - Oct 3, 2019

When LightBuild is performed with CornTestBox.umap of EngineTest, 4096 light maps are generated even though [Packed Light and Shadow Map Texutre Size] is 1024. The reason is that the asset's LightMa ...

No dithered lod transition when changing Field of view

UE - Rendering Architecture - RHI - Nov 26, 2019