Crash Occurs When Creating Pose Asset from an Animation in Persona

OLD - Anim - Feb 1, 2018

Engine crashes when creating a new pose asset in persona using the Create Asset option -Tested with walk, idle, and run anims -Didn't crash only once out of the several times tested with the Third ...

Duplicate and invalid shader types listed in FLandscapeMaterialResource

UE - Graphics Features - Jan 31, 2018

The current list of allowed and excluded shader types supplied to the ShouldCache function by FLandscapeMaterialResource includes entries shared in both lists and one entry with trailing whitespace, ...

Crash Occurs When Simulating in Editor and Copying Camera Key in One Sequence Then Opening a Second Sequence

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Jan 30, 2018

-When opening a sequence while simulating in editor and copying a key and changing sequences leads to a crash -Does not proved callstack - but one is available in the UDN link (See SequencerCrashB) ...

Crash Occurs When Opening a Second Sequence After Altering the First While Simulating in Editor

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Jan 30, 2018

-When opening a second sequence after altering the one prior(locking and unlocking the camera) while simulating in the editor, leads to a crash -Did not occur in 4.19 Preview 1 -As for the link to ...

Audio/Video out of sync after seek

Media Framework - Jan 29, 2018

There is an issue that sometimes occurs when using the seek option in the media player while the Decoder is set to WMF. When this happens the audio desyncs from the video and for the rest of the vid ...

Optimization Viewmode Quad Overdraw Remains on Screen After Switching to Stationary Light Overlap

UE - Graphics Features - Jan 29, 2018

The optimization view mode 'Quad Overdraw' image is not properly cleaned up when switching directly to 'Stationary Light Overlap' view mode. See attached images.  ...

Packaged game/Editor with Stereo Layers crashes when exiting game through steam VR overlay

UE - Platform - XR - Jan 29, 2018

It also happens in VR preview in the editor. ...

[CrashReport] UE4Editor_Landscape!FLandscapeVertexFactory::GetStaticBatchElementVisibility() [landscaperender.cpp:1503]

UE - LD & Modeling - Terrain - Landscape - Jan 26, 2018

No user comments in crash group ...

[CrashReport] UE4Editor_Engine!FStaticMeshSceneProxy::RemoveSpeedTreeWind() [staticmeshrender.cpp:262]

UE - Graphics Features - Jan 26, 2018

No user comments on crash group ...