When I was running the default 3rd person shooter template which had no modifications yet, I pressed play and began to move around. Within a few seconds, the computer shut off as if the power cord h ...
Changing the name of an Event Dispatcher's Input will not update existing nodes in Event Graphs and cause a compiler error. The error text includes links that open the level tab rather than locating ...
When attempting to fracture a destructible where the source static mesh has been deleted we get a crash in APEX. APEX can't seem to find any root leaf nodes to begin fracturing upon. This does not ...
Old UEdGraphPins are not being removed from non-blueprint assets. ...
When attempting to use an overlap event followed by an open level node, PIE will exit and errors will appear in the message log. ...
Struct array of type 'key' dirties blueprint each time it is re-opened. Regression (no) issue (does) occur in 4.11.2 ...
When scaling an actor with a spotlight component that is offset from local 0,0,0 the spotlight will invert itself when passing into negative scale values. In the test project this only occurs on the ...
Landscape Mode automatically turns on game view in the level Viewport. Regression (yes) issue (does not) occur 4.13.2 ...
White artifacts appear when you have a stationary directional light in your scene with default settings that is casting a shadow, and a skeletal mesh is in that shadow after baking lighting. You wi ...