Discrepancy in screen data read back in Materials from screen UVs

UE - Rendering Architecture - Materials - Mar 2, 2023

This needs to be debugged to see where the data discrepancy comes from. ...

Anisotropic metallic material and area lights don't work

UE - Graphics Features - Substrate - Jun 28, 2023

Logging out and then logging in as a new user results in slate creating multiple Slate User IDs

UE - Gameplay - Input - Jul 28, 2023

I believe this is happening because when you change your logged in user, the Slate Application will automatically create a new second slate user with an ID of 2. This is bad because the Slate App is ...

Gameplay Effects with instant duration fail to be predicted if a duration magnitude was previously set

UE - Gameplay - Gameplay Ability System - Aug 4, 2023

The Duration Magnitude property is not zeroed out if a Gameplay Effect's duration policy is changed from HasDuration to Instant. As a result, UAbilitySystemComponent::ApplyGameplayEffectSpecToSelf e ...

Lyra - Grant Nearby Interaction Ability Task used as source object but doesn't replicate

UE - Gameplay - Gameplay Ability System - Sep 25, 2023

UAbilityTask_GrantNearbyInteraction passes itself as the source object when making the Interaction Ability Spec in UAbilityTask_GrantNearbyInteraction::QueryInteractables. This causes the "Warning: ...

Crash when copying PF_Stencil format from the GPU to the CPU

UE - Rendering Architecture - RHI - Oct 18, 2023

This is a crash related to copying depth-stencil render targets to the CPU. See linked UDN for more info. ...

Arithmetic assignment operators (e.g. +=, *=) in Niagara inputs are applied twice .

UE - Niagara - Jan 9, 2024

Arithmetic assignment operators seem to be applied twice when committed in the Niagara stack.  This occurs when entering *= 2.0 for example into a float input. This may be the result of the SNiagar ...

Keep Playback Range In Section bounds can cause Actor Sequence range to be inclusive

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Feb 16, 2024

FSequencer::UpdatePlaybackRange does not check the exclusivity of the new bounds when setting them, but UMovieScene::UpgradeTimeRanges does. ...

Sequencer- Crash on restoring state when a user has animated level visibility as well as skeletal animation on an actor in the invisible level

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Jul 16, 2024

When a level sequence animates level visibility as well as skeletal animation on an actor within that sub-level, restoring state will first unstream the level, which will unregister the skeletal mes ...

Visible dithered quantization to remove banding in New Temporal AA Quality

UE - Graphics Features - Oct 6, 2015

Since changing the temporal history buffer to 11:11:10 from FP16, it looks as there is visible dithered quantization to remove banding when rendering. (Taken from conversation on Forum Post linked f ...