This was reported on UDN. TL;DR: A user has reported that a custom command cannot be added to the "MainFrame" context in the UUICommandsScriptingSubsystem from their plugin. The problem seems to b ...
A user has reported that the saving notification sticks on the desktop when the editor is minimized. When you maximize the editor, the saving notification does disappear.I have not been able to repr ...
Importing FBX model with Shape Keys crashes editor. This crashes in the SDK so we dont have control over it. Given that this is one of the first things we do on import it is unlikely we are corrup ...
When using a Tilemap with a Masked Lit Sprite Material, the tilemap will not render while in Standalone. In the test project, the Paper2D Blueprint character was switched to Masked Lit Sprite Materi ...
When a light that uses lighting channels is only visible in one view during stereoscopic rendering, it affects the default light channel instead of the assigned one in the view that it's not visible ...
When previewing Mobile rendering in the viewport, the outline around static meshes isn't rendered. This does not occur with BSP. ...
When you change the Preview Rendering Level to Android Preview and then close the project, reopen, and do this again it hides the transform widget. ...
When opening the editor the memory usage jumps during PIE. After exiting PIE the memory use does not go back down. ...
When setting a vector key on tick, and using a dynamic Nav Mesh, the AI Character exhibits severe twitching, and even occasionally gets stuck. This does not occur when the Nav Mesh is set to Stati ...