Calling RemoveAllAnchors function on a non-clustered geometry collection falls extremely fast

UE - Simulation - Physics - Destruction - Feb 8, 2023

Non-clustered geometry collections applied RemoveAllAnchors are not put into FPBDRigidsSOAs::DynamicGeometryCollectionArray, so acceleration is not reset every tick and they fall super fast. The fol ...

MoviePipeline: EXR Output Format can't be added via C++

UE - Anim - Sequencer - MRQ - Apr 4, 2023

"stat llmassets" console command not recognised

UE - Foundation - Core - Jun 16, 2023

I am trying to use "stat llmassets" but it is not recognising the command. I have enabled LLM_ALLOW_ASSETS_TAGS and added -llmtagsets=assets to the commandline along with -llm, is there anything els ...

SingleLayerWater Material crashes when sampling SceneTexture:CustomStencil.

UE - Rendering Architecture - Shaders - Sep 19, 2024

There is a texture mismatch between the expected texture samplers and actual texture samplers for SingleLayerWater materials that use the Material Function StencilMaskCompare. Also tested on UE5.5, ...

First Person Shooter Template produces error upon creation

Docs - Samples - Sep 3, 2015

Creating a FPS template produces an error upon being opened immediately after creation. Error is shown in attached image. ...

Landscape LOD menu does not appear in Details Pane

UE - Foundation - Core - Apr 8, 2015

Landscape LOD menu is missing from Details Pane of editor. Found in Master Branch, latest commit before pulling branch. ...

GetHitResultUnderCursor does not always return true with landscape collision

UE - LD & Modeling - Terrain - Landscape - Mar 13, 2015

When using GetHitResultUnderCursor and pressing LMB over a landscape, there is a chance that the location chosen will return false when it should be returning true. It seems dependent on what area o ...

Play from here not correctly spawning player when high value used in grid snapping

Tools - Feb 3, 2015

Play from Here incorrectly adjusts player spawn when large grid snap values are used. ...