Videos of certain sizes no longer display in media players

Media Framework - Oct 27, 2017

Videos of certain sizes no longer display in the Media Player, this also applies to when the media player is a texture or in a material. This issue appears to be a regression. Versions Tested 4.16. ...

Crash upon launching packaged game with Share Material Shader code enabled

UE - Graphics Features - Oct 27, 2017

When launching a packaged game that has Share Material Shader Code enabled, the process will crash before opening. Regression?: Yes This issue does not occur in 4.17.2-3658906+++UE4+Release-4.17 Th ...

[CrashReport] UE4Editor-Renderer.dylib!void FForwardLightingParameters::Set<FRHICommandList, FRHIPixelShader*>()

UE - Graphics Features - Oct 27, 2017

This is a 4.18 Mac/Metal crash that has occurred for a few users. It appears related to the Forward Renderer. Callstack from Log[2017.10.27-06.10.08:809][261]LogMaterial: Missing cached shader map ...

[CrashReport] Mac/Metal Intel compiler crash - UE4Editor-MetalRHI.dylib!CreateMTLRenderPipeline()

UE - Graphics Features - Oct 27, 2017

Mark S: This is an Intel compiler failure on macOS 10.12.6. Callstack from LogAssertion failed: [File:/Users/build/Build/++UE4+Release-4.18+Compile/Sync/Engine/Source/Runtime/Apple/MetalRHI/Privat ...

Crash when opening a project with the Gameplay Abilities plugin enabled

Tools - Oct 27, 2017

The Editor crashes on Mac when trying to open a project that has the Gameplay Abilities plugin enabled. ...

Crash upon editing a GameplayTagQuery inside of a DataAsset

UE - Gameplay - Oct 27, 2017

When a GameplayTagQuery variable is edited from inside of a DataAsset, the editor crashes when the changes are saved. This could be related to a bug that was fixed previously: [Link Removed] Regres ...

Transform Track can't be edited for a empty actor dragged directly from Modes panel

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Oct 27, 2017

This is a remaining case of [Link Removed]. If you drag and drop an empty actor from Modes panel to Sequencer, the actor's transform track can't be edited. ...

Editor Crashes After Building Lighting with Blueprint Set to Native Parent Class: Light

UE - Graphics Features - Oct 26, 2017

Whenever a Blueprint set to Native Parent Class: Light is placed into a level, Editor crashes after building lighting. The Blueprint does not need to contain an actual light component to crash the e ...

Convex Collision is incorrect for negatively scaled object that are attached to a physics actor

OLD - Anim - Oct 26, 2017

Convex Collision is incorrect for negatively scaled object that are attached to a physics actor. This doesn't happen for object with standard collision or object attached to non-physics actors. The ...

[CrashReport] Mac/Metal crash due to enabling Metal 2.0 on 10.12.6

UE - Graphics Features - Oct 26, 2017

This is an early trending Mac/Metal crash coming out of 4.18. Mark.S: _Revised Statement: Users are trying to enable Metal 2.0 on 10.12.6. The iOS settings panel lets me show warnings about this st ...