Attach track in the Audio track of Level Sequence becomes Unresolved Binding when the Editor is restarted.

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Jan 22, 2021

It looks like the Actor's Binding information has not been saved successfully. ...

Assertion with Geometry Collection when play in simulate mode

UE - Simulation - Physics - Destruction - Feb 5, 2021

Error message:Assertion failed: !HasAttribute(Name, Group) [File:D:\CHAOS\Engine\Source\Runtime\Experimental\Chaos\Public\GeometryCollection/ManagedArrayCollection.h] [Line: 121] ...

Shader compilation error occurs when using values sampled from texture for Customized UV1

UE - Graphics Features - Jun 3, 2021

Shader compilation error occurs when using values sampled from texture for Customized UV1. No problem when connected to Customized UV0. This problem compiles well if I change the value of Const to ...

GPU Debug Label is not set on some textures

UE - Graphics Features - Aug 11, 2021

texture streaming is one of the reasons that drop the label but not the only reason. add a line of code RHIBindDebugLabelName(NewTexture, *OldTexture->GetName().ToString()); into FMetalDynamicRHI:: ...

Animations do not play correctly when scrubbing at high speed while in Keep State.

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Oct 1, 2021

If you check the attached GIF, you will see that when you jump the playback position, the animation stays in the same state as before the jump. I suspect this is a specification, but the user is req ...

Oculus Quest Link with OpenXR fires action events multiple times when multiple action events are bound to the same key

UE - Platform - XR - Jul 14, 2021

From a developer: If the same key is mapped to N action events all the mapped events fire N times. This issue only exists with the OpenXR plugin enabled and does not occur for any keyboard/mouse i ...

New Viewport Resolution setting increases every time a new PIE window is launched

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Slate - Sep 2, 2022

When closing a PIE viewport, we write the size back to the New Viewport Resolution setting in case the window was resized during play. However, we do not account for the window border, and write bac ...

Changing Asset Manager settings breaks game feature scan directories

UE - Gameplay - Sep 29, 2022

The asset manager is used to scan directories on disk for different Primary Assets that can then be loaded on demand. Game feature plugins support the ability to add additional scan directories when ...

NiagaraEditor timeline folders are not saved correctly

UE - Niagara - Feb 8, 2023

It works correctly in 5.0.3. ...

Multi-process cooking does not complete in UE5.3.0

UE - Foundation - Core - Cooker - Sep 26, 2023

Projects with multi-process cooking enabled will not complete packaging. If MPCook is disabled, packaging can be completed.  ...