Landscape LocalMerge crash with PaintLayer enabled

UE - LD & Modeling - Terrain - Landscape - Aug 15, 2022

ProceduralMesh created by ImpostorBaker cannot be saved.

UE - LD & Modeling - Modeling Tools - Mesh Editing - Jan 12, 2023

Clearing the DynamicMaterial reference will save it, but several licensees have inquired about it, so it would be kind if it were corrected. ...

Combo triggers do not fire the "Completed" event

UE - Gameplay - Input - May 25, 2023

Improper Initialization of trigger values when added at runtime with the key pressed already

UE - Gameplay - Input - Nov 11, 2022

See the comment on UInputTrigger::LastValue around issues being a bool type on first tick ...

Mesh deformed by Cable Component does not output velocity

UE - Simulation - Physics - Aug 7, 2023

The velocity when moving the root is output, but it seems that the velocity for each deformation is not output. Since motion blur and TSR use velocity, problems such as ghosting may occur. ...

ParticlePosition doesn't use Previous values

UE - Niagara - Jan 9, 2024

FHLSLMaterialTranslator::ParticlePosition does not return Previous information when request which can result in bad motion vector calculation. ...

Camera actor preview window does not display properly in orthographic view

Tools - Apr 13, 2015

Adding a camera to the scene and setting the projection mode to orthographic doesn't display properly in the preview window. ...

Compiling blueprint with anim bp crashes editor in MathExpr exec

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Jan 30, 2016

Compiling a player character blueprint that is tied to an anim bp crashes the editor. Frequency: 2/2 Crashreporter: N/A ...