Crash when enabling global logging in 5.4.2

UE - Foundation - Jul 3, 2024

Packaged projects on 5.4.2 (DebugGame) crash immediately on startup when it is opened through the command line using the global logging very-verbose argument. ...

Certain components created at Runtime appear to have unnecessary scene components

UE - Networking - May 8, 2015

When PIE is selected certain objects that are created at runtime have scene components that give log warnings in the Output Log. Effected objects include GameSession and GameNetworkManager ...

Opening a data table based on a struct with a slate brush variable crashes the editor

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Slate - Feb 1, 2016

Attempting to open a data table based on a struct with a slate brush variable crashes the editor. Frequency: 2/2 CrashReporter: N/A ...

PBO Disable option does not work in Hide Bone By Name node

UE - Simulation - Physics - Aug 10, 2015

PBO Disable option does not work in Hide Bone By Name node See repro and images[Image Removed][Image Removed] ...

Merge tool icons broken in user's project

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Mar 16, 2015

User did convert the project to 4.7.2, but they don't know which project it was made with originally (all he gave me was that it was a long time ago) Unable to repro by converting projects (code an ...

Correct Morph Targets animate in PIE, but not in Standalone Game

OLD - Anim - Mar 5, 2015

Wrong morph targets are animating in standalone game, but the right ones play in PIE See the Additional Info URL for the user's description (and youtube video) Here is the project: [Link Removed] ...

Set visibility in world outliner reset when project is reopened

Tools - Sep 4, 2015

If visibility is altered in world outliner, the visibility will be reset upon closing and re-opening the project. ...

BSP brushes break when non-standard subtractive bsp brushes are used

UE - LD & Modeling - Modeling Tools - BSP - Mar 19, 2015

if a nonstandard bsp brush is used as a subtractive brush, additive bsp brushes will break and show incorrect holes when in contact with the subtractive bsp. ...

Rotating terrain with heightmap causes black splotches on terrain

UE - LD & Modeling - Terrain - Landscape - Jan 26, 2015

Rotating a landscape with a heightmap causes lightmass to break, rendering black splotches across terrain after building lighting. ...

Behavior tree subtree switch reported as hitching

UE - AI - Apr 4, 2016

Setup described in UDN post: parent tree: root - selector - run behavior task subtree: root - sequence - custom BP task with just print string repro: print string message (engine tick) is showing u ...